Rev.1.0, Feb.12.2004, page 14 of 29
(Ta = 25°C)
Item Symbol Ratings Unit
Power supply voltage VDD 4.1 V
Analog input voltage VIN –0.3 to AVDD +0.3 V
Digital input voltage VI –0.3 to DVDD +0.3 V
Operating temperature range Ta –10 to +75 °C
Power dissipation Pt 750 mW
Storage temperature Tstg –55 to +125 °C
Power supply voltage Vopr 2.70 to 3.30 V
Note: AVDD, AVSS are analog power source systems of CDS, PGA, and ADC.
DVDD1, DVSS1 are digital power source systems of CDS, PGA and ADC.
DVDD2, DVSS2 are buffer power source systems of ADC output.
DVDD3, DVSS3 are general digital power source systems of TG.
DVDD4, DVSS4 are buffer power source systems of H1 and H2.
• Pin 2 multi bonds the DVSS1 and DVSS2
• When pin 64 is set to Low, pin 41 = STROB output, pin 39 = SUB_SW output
When Hi, pin 41 = Vgate input, pin 39 = ADCK input
(Unless othewide specified, Ta = 25°C, AVDD = 3.0 V, DVDD = 3.0 V, and RBIAS = 33 kΩ)
• Items Common to CDSIN and ADCIN Input Modes
Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Remarks
Power supply voltage
VDD 2. 70 3.00 3.30 V
fCLK hi 20 — 36 MHz LoPwr = low *2 HD49335HNP Conversion frequency
fCLK low 5. 5 — 25 MHz LoPwr = high *2 HD49335NP
2.25 ×
Digital input voltage
VIL2 0 —
0.6 ×
VOH DVDD –0.5 — — V IOH = –1 mA Digital output voltage
VOL — — 0.5 V IOL = +1 mA
IIH — — 50 µA VIH = 3.0 V Digital input current
IIL –50 — — µA VIL = 0 V
ADC resolution RES 10 10 10 bit
ADC integral linearity INL — (2) — LSBp-p fCLK = 25 MHz
ADC differential linearity+ DNL+ — 0.3 0.99 LSB fCLK = 25 MHz *1
ADC differential linearity– DNL– –0.99 –0.3 — LSB fCLK = 25 MHz *1
Sleep current ISLP –100 0 100 µA Digital input pin is
set to 0 V, output
pin is open
Standby current I STBY — 3 5 mA Digital I/O pin is set
to 0 V
Notes: 1. Differential linearity is the calculated difference in linearity errors between adjacent codes.
2. 2 divided mode: fCLK = 1/2CLK_in
3 divided mode: fCLK = 1/3CLK_in
3. Values within parentheses ( ) are for reference.