Rev.1.0, Feb.12.2004, page 19 of 29
Output mode (D2 to D4 of address H’F1 and address H’F4 of D6)
It is a test mode. Combination details are table 3 to 5. Normally set to all 0.
SHA-fsel (D8 to D9 of address H’F1)
It is a LPF switching of SH amplifier. Frequency characteristics are referred to page 8. To get rough idea, set the
double cut off frequency point with using.
SHSW-fsel (D10 to D13 of address H’F1)
It is a time constant which sampling the black level of SH amplifier. Frequency characteristics are referred to page
8. To get rough idea, set the double c ut off frequency point with using. S/N changes by this data, so find the
appropriate point with set data to up/down.
Test_I2 (D14 to D15 of address H’F1)
Current of ADC analog part can be set minutely. Normally use data = 0.
0: Default (100%)
1: 150%
2: 50%
3: 80%
Address STD1[7:0] (L)
STD2[15:8] (H)
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
Clamp level
Clamp (D0 to D4 of address H’F2)
Determine the OB part level with digital code of ADC output.
Clamp level = setting data × 2 + 14
Default data is 9 = 32 LSB.
HGstop-Hsel, HGain-Nsel (D8 to D11 of address H’F2)
Determine the lead-in speed of OB clamp. Details are referred to page 7. PGA gain need to be changed for switch
the high speed leading mode. Transfer the gain +1/–1 to previous field, its switch to high speed leading mode.
Low_PWR (D12 of address H’F2)
Switch circuit current and freq uency characteristic.
Data = 0: 36 MHz guarantee
Data = 1: 25 MHz guarantee
ADSEL (D14 of address H’F2)
Data = 0: Select CDS_in
Data = 1: Select ADC_in
Reset (D15 of address H’F2)
Software reset.
Data = 1: Normal
Data = 0: Reset
Offset calibration should be done when starting up with using this bit. Details are referred to page 23.
Address STD1[7:0] (L) STD2[15:8] (H)
11110011 D4D3D2D7 D6 D5 D1 D0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8
Address H'F3 are all testing data.
Normally set to all 0., or do not transfer the data.