32176 Group
Starter Kit User’s Manual M3A-2152
REJ10B0224-0300/Rev.3.00 Jan. 2007 Page 25 of 82

6.3 M3T-CC32R

6.3.1 Installing M3T-CC32R

(1) Run cc32rv500r00_e.exe that is included in the Eng \ Tool \ Cc32r directory of the CD-ROM.
(2) Proceed to install M3T-CC32R following messages on the installation screen.
(3) When you are asked to select the license type of M3T-CC32R, select “Trial License”.
(4) While installing M3T-CC32R, you will be asked to confirm whether to change AUTOEXEC.BAT
variables. If you chose “Not to Change”, add the following contents to AUTOEXEC.BAT.
(Setting example for M3T-CC32R environment variables)
REM *********** Environment variables for CC32R ****************
SET M32RBIN = (installed directory) ¥bin32R
SET M32RLIB = (installed directory) ¥lib32R
SET M32RINC = (installed directory) ¥inc32R
SET M32RTMP = (installed directory) ¥TMP
(5) If you corrected AUTOEXEC.BAT, be sure to restart your computer after you finished installing

6.3.2 Verifying Whether M3T-CC32R is Installed Normally

Execute the following operation from the DOS prompt. This helps to verify whether M3T-CC32R
has been installed normally. For details about M3T-CC32R, refer to the CC32R User’s Manual.
- Command
C: \ >cc32r -V (V in uppercase)
- Result
If M3T-CC32R has been installed normally, a command version of M3T-CC32R like the one
shown below is displayed.
CC32R Compiler for M32R Family V.X.XX Release X
(X varies with the version of the Cross Tool Kit included in the package.)
Displayed below this is the version information of each tool included in the Cross Tool Kit.
- If M3T-CC32R does not start
If M3T-CC32R does not start, check the following.
1) See if the environmental variables (M32RBIN, M32LIB, M32RINC, M32RTMP command
paths) are set correctly.
2) See if cc32r.exe is correctly expanded in the directory specified in M32RBIN.

6.4 Browsing Electronic Manuals

The Starter Kit manuals each are provided as Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
To browse electronic manuals, you need to have Acrobat Reader. The CD-ROM supplied with the
Starter Kit contains Acrobat Reader in its Acrobat directory, so install the desired version of
Acrobat Reader from the CD-ROM. Acrobat Reader can also be downloaded from the Adobe Systems
home page.