Part Name Part Specification
Item No. Description Part No. Part Type Name
(Drawing No.,Product
Specification) Manufacturer Name Mounting
Q’ty per
Classification Remarks
48 5% resistor array (100 K) RA5,6,7,8,9 CND2B10 TBK101J(100K) KOA Mounted directly 5
49 5% resistor (0 ) R9,12,13,17 MCR10EZPJ000(0) Rohm Mounted directly 4
5% resistor (0 ) R4 MCR10EZPJ000(0) Rohm Not mounted 0
50 5% resistor (120 ) R15,18 MCR10EZPJ121(120) Rohm Mounted directly 2
51 5% resistor (1 K) R1,2,5,10 MCR10EZPJ102(1K) Rohm Mounted directly 4
52 5% resistor (2 K) R6 MCR10EZPJ202(2K) Rohm Mounted directly 1
53 5% resistor (22 K) R8,20 MCR10EZPJ223(22K ) Rohm Mounted directly 2
54 5% resistor (1 M) R3 MCR10EZPJ105(1M) Rohm Mounted directly 1
55 1% resistor (10 K) R7,11,14,16,19 MCR10EZPF103(10K) Rohm Mounted directly 5
56 Variable resistor VOL0,1 RK09K1110B26 (right-angle type) ALPS Mounted directly 2
57 Jx compatible jumper
socket DIC208 Honda Tsushin Kogyo Mounted directly 7
58 Pattern only M1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, Not mounted 0
M15,16, H1,3,4,5,6
59 Rubber feet TM-166-3 (black color) 3M Mounted directly 5
60 Board M3A-2152G01 (DK30408) (SHT) - 1
61 Power cable HTD-A4H0043 (SHT) - 1
62 CAN cable HTD-A4H0044 (SHT) - 2
Special note:
(1) Blank columns denote the same content as the upper row.
(2) If two or more part type names are written for one part, the upper row has priority.
(3) The asterisk (*) in the item No. column denotes that the rest is blank.
Special note:
PLL-M3A-2152G02 ( 4 / 4 )

REJ10B0224-0300/Rev.3.00 Jan. 2007 Page 73 of 82