Part Name Part Specification
Item No. Description Part No. Part Type Name
(Drawing No.,Product
Name Mounting
Q’ty per
Classification Remarks
33 Laminated ceramic
capacitor C1,8,9,10,11, GRM219F11H104ZA01(0.1uF) Murata Mounted directly 19
CP 21,26,28,29,30,31
34 Laminated ceramic
capacitor CP18,22,23,27, GRM219F11H104ZA01(0.1uF) Murata Not mounted 0
35 Laminated ceramic
capacitor CX1,2,3,4 GRM219F11E104ZA01(1uF) Murata Mounted directly 4
36 Laminated ceramic
capacitor C2, CP20,25 GRM2192P1H221JZA01(220pF) Murata Mounted directly 3
37 Laminated ceramic
capacitor CP7,8 GRM216F11H103ZA01(0.01uF) Murata Mounted directly 2
38 Laminated ceramic
capacitor C7 GRM21BB11H473ZA01(0.047uF) Murata Mounted directly 1
39 Laminated ceramic
capacitor C3,4 GRM2192P1H300JZ01(30pF) Murata Not mounted 0
40 Tantalum electrolytic
capacitor CP19,24 F931V225MBA(2.2uF) Nichicon Mounted directly 2
41 Tantalum electrolytic
capacitor CP10,12,13 F931D106MBA(10uF) Nichicon Mounted directly 3
42 Tantalum electrolytic
capacitor C5,6 F931D106MBA(10uF) Nichicon Not mounted 0
43 Tantalum electrolytic
capacitor CP14,15,16,17 F931C476MCA(47uF) Nichicon Mounted directly 4
44 Diode D1,2 MA738 Matsushita Not mounted 0
45 5% resistor array (33 ) RA2,3 CN2B4 TBK330J(33) KOA Mounted directly 2
46 5% resistor array (1 K) RA4 CND2B10 TBK102J(1K) KOA Mounted directly 1
47 5% resistor array (10 K) RA1 CND2B10 TBK103J(10K) KOA Mounted directly 1
Special note:
(1) Blank columns denote the same content as the upper row.
(2) If two or more part type names are written for one part, the upper row has priority.
(3) The asterisk (*) in the item No. column denotes that the rest is blank.
Special note:
PLL-M3A-2152G02 ( 3 / 4 )

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