Table 6 - 8 below describes the function of the option links associated with Serial configuration. The default configuration is indicated by
BOLD text.
Option Link Settings
Reference Function Fitted Alternative (Removed) Related To
R14 Programming
Serial Port
Connects SCK to E8a SCK disconnected from E8a
R12 Programming
Serial Port
Connects E8a to
Programming Serial port.
MUST be removed if R44 fitted. R44
R13 Programming
Serial Port
Connects E8a to
Programming Serial port.
Should be removed if R68 fitted. R68
R44 Programming
Serial Port
Connects RS232 port to
Programming SCI port
MUST be removed if R12, R47
or R49 fitted.
R12, R47, R49
R68 Programming
Serial Port
Connects RS232 port to
Programming SCI port
MUST be removed if R13, R69
or R72 fitted.
R13, R69, R72
R42 RS232 Driver Enables RS232 Serial
MUST be removed if R39
R39 RS232 Driver
Disables RS232 Serial
MUST be removed if R42 Fitted R42
R41 Serial Connector Connects Alternate serial (CH2)
to D connector
Disconnects Alternate serial
from D connector.
R40 Serial Connector Connects Alternate serial (CH2)
to D connector
Disconnects Alternate serial
from D connector.
R55 Alternate Serial Connects Alternate Serial (CH2
- SCIb) to RS232 Transceiver
Should be removed if SCIb
not used for RS232.
R50 Alternate Serial Connects Alternate Serial (CH2
- SCIb) to RS232 Transceiver
Should be removed if SCIb
not used for RS232.
R72 RS232 Serial on
Application Header
Connects Application Header to
RS232 Transceiver
MUST be removed if R68 or
R69 fitted.
R68, R69
R49 RS232 Serial on
Application Header
Connects Application Header to
RS232 Transceiver
MUST be removed if R44 or
R47 fitted.
R44, R47
R69 RS232 Serial on
Connects Serial Channel 0 to
RS232 Transceiver
MUST be removed if R68 or
R72 fitted.
R68, R72
R47 RS232 Serial on
Connects Serial Channel 0 to
RS232 Transceiver
MUST be removed if R44 or
R49 fitted.
R44, R49
Table 6-8: Serial Configuration Links