9.1. Microcontroller Headers
Table 9-1 to Table 9-4 show the microcontroller pin headers and their corresponding microcontroller connections. The header pins connect
directly to the microcontroller pins. * Marked pins are subject to option links.
Pin Circuit Net Name Device
Pin Circuit Net Name Device
1 CAN1OUT 99 2 CAN1IN 100
3 DA1 1 4 DA0 2
5 TXD2 3 6 RXD2 4
7 CLK3 5 8 BYTE 6
9 E8_CNVSS 7 10 CON_XCIN 8
11 CON_XCOUT 9 12 RESn 10
13 CON_XOUT 11 14 GROUND 12
15 CON_XIN 13 16 UC_VCC1 14
17 NMIn 15 18 INT2 16
19 INT1 17 20 INT0 18
21 TA4IN_Un* 19 22 TA4OUT_Up* 20
23 CAN0IN 21 24 CAN0OUT 22
25 TA2IN_Wn 23 26 TA2OUT_Wp* 24
27 Vn 25 28 CLK2_Vp* 26
29 IIC_SCL_RXD2* 27 30 IICSDA_TXD2* 28
Table 9-1: J1
Pin Circuit Net Name Device
Pin Circuit Net Name Device
1 PTTX 29 2 PTRX 30
3 PTCK 31 4 E8_BUSY 32
5 TXD0 33 6 RXD0 34
7 CLK0 35 8 CTSRTS 36
9 RDY 37 10 ALE 38
11 E8_EPM 39 12 UD 40
13 TRSTn 41 14 RDn 42
15 WRHn 43 16 WRLn_WRn 44
17 A23n_CS0n 45 18 A22_CS1n 46
19 A21_CS2n 47 20 A20_CS3n 48
Table 9-2: J2