When [User] is specified in the [UBC mode] list box in the [Configuration] dialog box, the UBC
can be used in the user program.
Do not use the UBC in the user program as it is used by the E10A emulator when [EML] is
specified in the [UBC mode] list box in the [Configuration] dialog box.
• Loading Sessions
Information in [JTAG clock] of the [Configuration] dialog box cannot be recovered by loading
sessions. Thus the TCK value will be as follows:
When HS7630KCI01H or HS7630KCI02H is used: TCK = 4.125 MHz
When HS7630KCM01H or HS7630KCM02H is used: TCK = 3.75 MHz
• [IO] Window
Display and modification
Do not change values of the User Break Controller because it is used by the emulator.
For each Watchdog Timer register, there are two registers to be separately used for write and
read operations.
Table 2.2 Watchdog Timer Register
Register Name Usage Register
WTCSR(W) Write Watchdog timer control/status register
WTCNT(W) Write Watchdog timer counter
WTCSR(R) Read Watchdog timer control/status register
WTCNT(R) Read Watchdog timer counter
• The watchdog timer operates only when the user program is executed. Do not change the value
of the frequency change register in the [IO] window or [Memory] window.
• The internal I/O registers can be accessed from the [IO] window. However, note the following
when accessing the SDMR register of the bus-state controller. Before accessing the SDMR
register, specify addresses to be accessed in the I/O-register definition file (SH7630.IO) and then
activate the HEW. For details on I/O-register definition file, refer to the Hitachi Debugging
Interface User's Manual. Note that, however, the E10A emulator does not support the bit-field
function described in the Hitachi Debugging Interface User's Manual.
• Verify
In the [IO] window, the verify function of the input value is disabled.