Selected Name Option
Disabled None
Elapsed time AC
Number of execution states VS
Branch instruction counts BT
Number of execution instructions I
DSP-instruction execution counts DI (Devices incorporating the DSP function can
only be measured.)
Instruction/data conflict cycle MAC
Other conflict cycles than instruction/data OC
Exception/interrupt counts EA
Data-TLB miss cycle MTS (Devices incorporating the MMU function
can only be measured.)
Instruction-TLB miss cycle ITS (Devices incorporating the MMU function
can only be measured.)
Interrupt counts INT
Number of BL=1 instructions BL1
Number of MD=1 instructions MD1
Instruction cache-miss counts IC
Data cache-miss counts DC
Instruction fetch stall IF
Data access stall DA
Instruction cache-miss stall ICS
Data cache-miss stall DCS
Cacheable access stall CS
X/Y-RAM access stall XYS (Devices incorporating the X/Y memory
can only be measured.)
URAM access stall US (Devices incorporating the U memory can
only be measured.)
Instruction/data access stall cycle MA
Other access cycles than instruction/data NMA
Non-cacheable area access cycle NCC
Non-cacheable area instruction access cycle NCI
Non-cacheable area data access cycle NCD
Cacheable area access cycle CC