OPTION 1: CHEMICAL DISINFECTIONaSoak the reusable mask components in a
commercially available solution of glutaraldehyde
3.4% (eg CIDEX Plus®), peracetic acid 0.08%
(eg CIDEX PA®) or orthopthalaldehyde 0.55%
(eg CIDEX OPA®) as described in the
manufacturer’s instructions.
bRinse the mask components as described in the
manufacturer’s instructions and allow them to
air dry out of direct sunlight.
cPerform a visual inspection of each mask
component. If any visible deterioration of a mask
component is apparent (eg cracking, tears etc),
the mask component should be discarded and
replaced. Yellow discolouration of the cushion
may occur. This discolouration is acceptable.
Testing by ResMed has shown that the mask
components can withstand 15 cycles using
solutions of glutaraldehyde 3.4% (eg CIDEX Plus®),
peracetic acid 0.08% (eg CIDEX PA®) or
orthopthalaldehyde 0.55% (eg CIDEX OPA®) when
following the manufacturer’s instructions.
OPTION 2: THERMAL DISINFECTIONaUsing a certified hot water disinfection system,
soak the mask components for one of the
following times:
• 70°C for 100 minutes or
• 75°C for 30 minutes or
• 80°C for 10 minutes.
• 90°C for 1 minute.
bPerform a visual inspection of each mask
component. If any visible deterioration of a mask
component is apparent (eg cracking, tears etc),
the mask component should be discarded and
replaced. Yellow discolouration of the cushion
may occur. This discolouration is acceptable.
Testing has shown that the mask components can
withstand 15 cycles of disinfection using the above
time-temperature combinations.
aSterilise the mask components as described in
the manufacturer’s instructions for the
STERRAD 100S Sterilisation System.