Wireless Networks
Item Name Description
Does not send file whose
name already exists
If this option is selected, images will not be uploaded
if an image with the same filename already exists
in the destination folder (SR-10 servers (GP.120)
ignore this setting; during upload, images are
renamed as necessary to avoid duplication as
described on P.122). If this option is not selected,
images in the destination folder will be overwritten by
images with the same filename.
PASV Select this option to connect to the ftp server in PASV
mode. Choose this option when you are unable to
connect to an ftp server that is behind a firewall.
Note -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The camera does not support dial-up connections or e-mail, and there is
consequently no need to adjust the settings in the [Dial-up], [Mail Config.], and
[Address Book] tab.