Other Print Operations
E Follow the instructions on the display to install DeskTopBinder Lite.
If you are required to restart the computer after installing DeskTopBinder Lite, restart the computer and continue the configuration.
DeskTopBinder Lite Enhancements
Follow the DeskTopBinder Lite enhancement procedure to print PDF files di- rectly.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Programs], [DeskTopBinder], and [Extended Features
3 Wizard].
B When [Extended Features Wizard] appears, select [Start], and then click [Next] repeatedly until the [Printing Function2] screen appears.
C On the [Printing Function2] screen, click [Add...] to display [PDF Direct Print Properties ].
D Select Driver for This Machine, click [OK], and then click [Next] repeatedly until [Finish] is displayed.
Click [Finish].
Function Palette
The Function palette contains buttons for functions that are already configured through DeskTopBinder Lite enhancement. Using these buttons, you can print Windows files, preview printouts, convert images, and register scanners for documents without having to open DeskTopBinder Lite. You can also use these functions simply by dragging a target file to the button corresponding to the required function and dropping it there.
A On the [Start] menu, click [Programs], [DeskTopBinder], and [Function Palette].
An icon for the Function palette is added to the tasktray displayed at the bottom right of the screen.
C Click the [Contents] tab, select the [PDF Direct Print] check box at the center, and then click [OK].
The [Properties] screen closes and the [PDF Direct Print] icon is added to the pal- ette.