The Ringdale HID Relay Controller uses 3 endpoints:
Control Endpoint 0
1 IN (to host) interrupt endpoint – 0x81
1 OUT (from host) interrupt endpoint – 0x02
Item | Value (Hex) |
bLength | 09 |
bDescriptorType = Configuration | 02 |
wTotalLength | 0029 |
bNumInterfaces | 01 |
bConfigurationValue | 01 |
iConfiguration | 00 |
bmAttributes | 80 |
bMaxPower | 41 |
bLength | 09 |
bDescriptorType = Interface | 04 |
bInterfaceNumber | 00 |
bAlternateSetting | 00 |
bNumberEndpoints | 02 |
bInterfaceClass | 03 |
bInterfaceSubClass | 00 |
bInterfaceProtocol | 00 |
iInterface | 00 |
bLength | 09 |
bDescriptorType = HID | 21 |
HID Class Spec release 1.11 | 0111 |
Target Country | 00 |
No. of HID Class Descriptors | 01 |
Report Descriptor Type | 22 |
wDescriptorLength | 21 |
bLength | 07 |
bDescriptorType = Endpoint | 05 |
bEndpoiuntAddress | 81 |
bmAttributes = Interrupt | 03 |
wMaxPacketSize | 08 |
bInterval | 14 |
bLength | 07 |
bDescriptorType = Endpoint | 05 |
bEndpoiuntAddress | 02 |
bmAttributes = Interrupt | 03 |
wMaxPacketSize | 08 |
bInterval | 14 |