Full game (Additonal rules)
Once you have understood the simple version … The same rules apply apart from the following:
Place the windmill in the region of your choice at the beginning of the game. Set it to “2”.
Each of the four stacks should have 9 cards instead of 8.
Playing the game
Project scorings
After every scoring the corresponding conservation or industrialization tile is placed on an area of the windmill track.
Putting rangers on the ranger track
If a player has placed their aeroplane in a region containing the windmill or in a neighboring region, he now has the opportunity to put rangers on the ranger track. He may do so in any order.
The player can divide the number of rangers placed between the region and the ranger track as he likes (e.g. 2/1. 3/0. etc.).
Each area of the Ranger track may only contain 1 ranger. There must always be
1 ranger on the top unoccupied ranger area. Once the areas are all occupied, no further rangers can be placed on the track.
Moving the wind wheel
Whenever an industrialization tile with a windmill is uncovered, the windmill is immediately moved into this region.
The value of the windmill increases by one.
Example 1:
Blue flies into the green region and plays a card allowing him to use 3 rangers and receive 1 dollar. He places 2 rangers in a location and 1 ranger on the bar. He could also have put all 3 rangers in the same location or on the bar.
Example 1
Example 2
Example 2:
The black player flies to the orange region, where the windmill stands. He cannot place any rangers on the camps there, as they are all occupied by other players' rangers. He could, however, play an orange card and place rangers on the ranger track.