(2)The player has no skyscrapers in this district and there is at least one empty building plot in the district:
In this case, he can may only choose one of the colors that matches one of the empty building plots in the district. Of course, he can always use black cards in addition to the colored cards. He may choose a color for the auction even if another player is bidding with the same color.
(3)The player has no skyscrapers in the district and there are no empty building plots in the district:
In this case, he may choose one color that matches one of the building plots with businesses. He may never choose a color that matches the building plot where another player has skyscrapers. In this case, he is bidding for a building stop (see more on this under “Building stop”). Of course, he can always use black cards in addition to the colored cards.
zor empty
(when the player has no skyscrapers in the district)
zor with businesses (when there are no empty building plots and he has no skyscrapers in the district)
Note each player may only build skyscrapers in one building plot per district in the entire game. On this building plot, he may build a ny number of skyscrapers.
Red m ay only choose the orange color to bid. Yellow m ay only choose green. Blue and Green m ay only choose either the gray color or the brown color to bid (both can choose the same color). Violet is not allowed in this district. Of course, every player may use black cards in addition to the color he
Red m ay only choose the orange color to bid. Yellow m ay only choose green. Blue m ay only choose brown. Green m ay only choose the violet color or the gray color, trying for building stop. Of course, every player may use black cards in addition to the color he chooses.
The play of an auction
An auction always begins with the player who triggered the auctions by moving a commissioner from Central Park to City Hall and continues from him in clockwise order until all players but one have passed. On a player’s turn to bid or add to his bid if he bid on a previous turn in this auction, he either bids a ny number of cards, placing the cards face up in his play area, or he passes, remaining out of this auction for this district.The first card bid by a player in an auction must a lways be a colored (not black) card. All further cards bid by the player in the auction (on this turn or subsequent turns) must be either cards of this color or black cards. He can play them in any combination he chooses.The value of a player’s bid is the sum of the numbers on all the cards he bid (in all turns of the auction).
When a player bids or adds to a previous bid, he must play cards that give him a total bid that is higher than the previous high bid in this auction. If a player cannot (or chooses not) to raise the bid, he must pass, taking any previously bid cards from his play area back into his hand.A player cannot
The auction ends when all players but one have passed.The winner of the auction (the player with the highest bid) puts all the cards he bid face up under the corresponding color (or black) card stack*. He may now build (add) skyscrapers on the building plot matching his bid color in the district. He may build up to 1, 2, or 3 skyscrapers, depending on the limit indicated by the cards he bid. He takes the skyscrapers from his supply (not the general supply) and places them on the building plot, where they remain for the remainder of the game (exception: building stop).
Note: a player may choose to build fewer skyscrapers than he is allowed (even none!).This means that a player may participate in an auction even when he has no skyscrapers in his supply. If no player bids in an auction, that district is skipped and the auction for the next district begins.
a player passes or plays any number of cards, so long as his total bid is higher than the previous high bid; when a player adds to his bid, the cards must match the first color he used or be black
The player bids 19 for the brown
building plot. The next player must
bid at least 20 or pass.
the auction winner puts the cards he bid back under the card stacks and
... builds
*As soon as the fi rst face up card is encountered in the black stack, it is shuffled and placed face down. The colored stacks are never shuffled.