3. Editing Scanning Results
3-1 What You Can Do Using 3D Editor
3D Editor lets you do things like the following.
Enlarge and reduce Deforming operations such as stretching in one direction are also possible.
Move and rotate Specifying numerical values for the movement distance and angle of rotation is also
Sever You can divide an object into parts. Filling cut surfaces is also possible.
Delete You can delete unneeded objects.
Merge You can unite a number of objects. There is even an alignment feature for doing this.
Reduce the number This reduces the amount of data while keeping detail.
of polygons
Smoothing feature This smooths the surfaces of objects.
Export Data can be saved in a wide variety of file formats.
Repolygonization This creates a polygon mesh by using imported data.
For detailed information on the features of 3D Editor, refer to the online help for 3D Editor.
Note that 3D Editor can only work with surface models.