MIDI Implementation
Date: Oct.21,1998
Version: 1.00
1. Recognized Receive Data
■System Realtime Messages
*By receiving an Active Sensing message, this unit enters the mode timing the interval between incoming MIDI messages. If the interval exceeds 500 ms, this unit transmits Note Off messages corresponding to the transmitted notes being On, and returns from this mode.
2. Transmitted Data
■Channel Voice Messages
●Note off
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
8nH | kkH | 40H |
n = | MIDI channel | : 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) |
kk = | note number | :24H - 37H (36 - 55) |
●Note on |
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
9nH | kkH | 78H |
n = | MIDI channel | : 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) |
kk = | note number | :24H - 37H (36 - 55) |
■System Realtime Message
●Active sensing
*This will be transmitted constantly at intervals of approximately 250 ms.
■System Exclusive Messages
“Data Set 1 (DT1)” to control
●Data Set1 DT1
Status | Data byte | Status |
F0H | 41H, 10H, 00H, 08H, 12H, aaH, | F7H |
| bbH, ccH, ddH, eeH, sum |
Byte | Remarks |
F0H | Exclusive status |
41H | ID number (Roland) |
10H | device ID |
00H | model ID |
08H | model ID |
12H | command ID (DT1) |
aaH | address MSB: The most significant byte of the address | |
bbH | address |
ccH | address |
ddH | address LSB: The least significant byte of the address | |
eeH | data: The actual data to be transmitted. |
sum | checksum |
F7H | EOX (End Of Exclusive) |
●Control Change
❍Expression (Controller number 11)
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
BnH | 0BH | vvH |
n = | MIDI channel | : 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) |
vv = | expression | :00H - 7FH (0 - 127) |
*This unit sends the following messages to control ROTARY SOUND of the
F0 41 10 00 08 12 02 00 10 3D ... F7 (Rotary Speed: Transmit by FOOT
F0 41 10 00 08 12 02 00 10 3E ... F7
(Rotary Rotation: Transmit by FOOT
*If the EXPRESSION OUT jack on the rear panel is in use, this unit doesn't send Expression message via MIDI.
❍General Purpose Controller 3 (Controller number 18)
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
BnH | 12H | vvH |
n = | MIDI channel | : 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) |
vv = | control value | :00H, 7FH (0, 127) |
*This message will be sent by operating a foot switch locating left side of the expression pedal.
*If a FOOT
❍General Purpose Controller 4 (Controller number 19)
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
BnH | 13H | vvH |
n = | MIDI channel | : 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) |
vv = | control value | :00H, 7FH (0, 127) |
*This message will be sent by operating a foot switch locating right side of the expression pedal.
*If a FOOT
❍Hold 1 (Controller number 64)
Status | 2nd byte | 3rd byte |
BnH | 40H | vvH |
n = | MIDI channel | : 0H - FH (ch.1 - 16) |
vv = | control value | :00H, 7FH (0, 127) |
*If a HOLD OUT jack on the rear panel is in use, the unit doesn't send Hold 1 message via MIDI.