L600N - Dual Band Wireless Router
Security Options
Enable SIP ALG: Certain SIP applications have special
mechanisms for passing through the NAT firewall and SIP
ALG may have conflicts with these mechanisms.
Enable L2TP ALG: L2TP ALG can pass through L2TP
communication data. This function is disabled by default.
Enable PPTP ALG: PPTP ALG can pass through PPTP
communication data. This function is disabled by default.
Enable IPSEC ALG: IPSEC ALG can pass through IPSEC
service data. This function is disabled by default.
Enable IPv6 Pass-Through: By default, IPv6 pass-through
is disabled. If your configuration contains IPv6 devices
and you want to replace IPv4 with IPv6, you can select
the check box to enable IPv6 pass-through.