This 3.5 mm mini-jack (labeled EXT REM IN) receives command codes from an industry-stan- dard infrared receivers (Xantech, etc.) located in the main listening room. This feature is useful when the unit is installed in a cabinet and the front-panel sensor is blocked. Consult your au- thorized Rotel dealer for information on ex- ternal receivers and the proper wiring of a jack to fit the mini-jack receptacle.
NOTE: The IR signals from the EXTERNAL RE- MOTE IN jack (as well as those from the ZONE REMOTE IN jack) can be relayed to source components using external IR emitters or hard-wired connections from the IR OUT jacks. See the ZONE 2 section of this manual for additional information.
Computer I/O
The RSX-1065 can be operated with a per- sonal computer running audio system control software from third-party developers or with a dedicated A/V control keypad from Rotel. This control is accomplished by sending op- erating codes (normally sent by the RR-969 remote control) from the computer or keypad via a hard-wired network connection.
The COMPUTER I/O and KEYPAD inputs pro- vides the necessary network connections on the back panel. They accept standard RJ-45 8-pin modular plugs, such as those commonly used in 10-BaseT UTP Ethernet cabling.
The COMPUTER I/O connector should be used when controlling the RSX-1065 for the main listening room. The KEYPAD connector should be used to connect a keypad for controlling the operations in ZONE 2. When using a KEYPAD in ZONE 2, the function is identical to that of an infrared repeater system connected to the ZONE REMOTE IN jack. See the fol- lowing section for detailed information.
For additional information on the connections, software, and operating codes for computer or keypad control of the RSX-1065, contact your authorized Rotel dealer.
Zone 2 Connection and Operation
The RSX-1065 provides Zone 2 multi-room capability, allowing you to enjoy music and operate the system from a second room. From the remote location, you can select a source component (even if different from the source playing in the main listening room), adjust the volume level in the remote zone, and oper- ate the source components.
To use the Zone 2 capability, you need addi- tional components: a pair of speakers installed in the remote zone, an amplifier to drive them, and a third-party IR repeater or keypad sys- tem.
Zone 2 can be controlled from the main room using RSX-1065’s front-panel ZONE button. Operation from the remote zone requires the installation of remote keypad compatible with the back panel RJ-45 8-pin modular KEYPAD connector or an infrared repeater system (Xantech, Niles, etc.) which relays infrared remote control commands from Zone 2 to the ZONE REMOTE IN input on the back of the RSX-1065.
Several points to keep in mind about the Zone
2 function:
•An infrared repeater system (Xantech, Niles, et al) or remote keypad is required for op- eration from the remote zone.
•There are two options for the Zone 2 out- put level, selectable from the ON-SCREEN DISPLAY menu system. VARIABLE output gives you full adjustment of the volume level, remembering last previous setting when- ever Zone 2 is activated. FIXED output disables the Zone 2 volume control with the output permanently set to a specified level. This might be useful for sending a line level signal to a preamp or integrated amp with its own volume control or to a distribution amplifier with multiple autoformer-type volume controls.
•The RR-969 remote control supplied with the RSX-1065 will operate Zone 2 if used with a repeater system from the remote zone. It can also be programmed to op- erate Rotel source components via the RSX-1065's IR OUT jack.
•Any source component connected to the RSX-1065's analog inputs (except the MULTI input) can be sent to the Zone 2 outputs. ZONE 2 operates independently of the main room. You can select a different source or adjust Zone 2 volume without affecting the MAIN outputs in any way.
•Avoid sending the same infrared command to the RSX-1065 front-panel sensor and a Zone 2 repeater at the same time. This means that Zone 2 must be in a different room from the RSX-1065.
Zone 2 Power On/Off
Once master power is applied to the unit by pressing the front-panel POWER button, the RSX-1065 provides independent power on/ off operation for both zones. Pressing the re- mote control POWER button in the main room activates or deactivates the RSX-1065 in the main room only and has no effect on Zone
2.Conversely, activating or deactivating Zone
2has no effect on the main listening room. However, placing the front-panel POWER but- ton in the OFF position completely shuts off the unit, for both zones.
NOTE: For proper power on and off opera- tion with Zone 2, the RSX-1065’s power mode should be set to the factory default DIRECT setting or to the STANDBY setting using the OTHER OPTIONS menu from the ON-
Controlling Zone 2 from the Main Room ZONE Button 
You can control Zone 2 from the front-panel of the RSX-1065 – activate or deactivate Zone 2, change input sources, and adjust the vol- ume. Controlling Zone 2 from the front-panel is accomplished by pressing the ZONE but- ton, which temporarily puts the RSX-1065 in Zone 2 control mode, even if the unit is in standby mode. When the ZONE button is pressed, the FL DISPLAY shows the current status of ZONE 2 for five seconds, during which time you can use the VOLUME control and INPUT SOURCE buttons to change the ZONE 2 set- tings. When ZONE 2 is active, the ZONE indicator appears in the left side of the FRONT PANEL DISPLAY.