Partner Authentication Agent Configuration
Before You Begin
This section provides instructions for integrating the NetNumber TITAN application with RSA SecurID Authentication. This document is not intended to suggest optimum installations or configurations.
It is assumed that the reader has both working knowledge of all products involved, and the ability to perform the tasks outlined in this section. Administrators should have access to the product documentation for all products in order to install the required components.
All vendor products/components must be installed and working prior to the integration. Perform the necessary tests to confirm that this is true before proceeding.
Ensure that the TITAN platform has network access to the RSA Authentication Manager server by testing with ping, telnet, etc.
Configure the TITAN Server
The following steps should be taken to configure the TITAN server and test the authentication of a user using RSA SecurID.
1.Copy the RSA SecurID Agent configuration file to the TITAN server
2.Select RSA SecurID as the TITAN authentication type
3.Create a TITAN administrator
4.Test authentication of the administrator
The following sections describe each of the four steps. For detailed information about any of these steps, please see the NetNumber TITAN Administration Guide.
Copy the RSA SecurID Agent configuration file to the TITAN server
Once the Agent Host configuration is complete (see previous section, Agent Host Configuration), you must save the configuration to a file named sdconf.rec using the RSA Authentication Manager Administration interface and then transfer the file to the TITAN platform using FTP, SFTP, etc. The sdconf.rec file must be placed in the following TITAN application directory (where <root_dir> is the directory that the TITAN application is installed):
The file permissions on the sdconf.rec file should be the same as those given to the TITAN application during installation/setup.
Select RSA SecurID as the TITAN Authentication Type
Login to the
The only configurable setting for the RSA SecurID type is enabling/disabling debug. We recommend that debug be disabled on all production systems. The following figure shows the Authentication configuration web page with RSA SecurID as the selected value: