The image appears too | · Brightness is set too high. | · Turn down the BRIGHTNESS |
'washed out', or the darkest | · The DVD player may be set | level on the Controller. If possi- |
areas of the image appear too | for too high of a brightness | ble, use a PLUGE pattern to set |
bright. | level. | the brightness level properly. |
| · Set the DVD player for a nomi- |
| nal output (no boost or gain). |
The colors of the image | · The Red, Green and/or Blue | · Check the cable connections |
appear abnormal | outputs of the Controller or | on the back of the Controller or |
| inputs to the Projector are | on the Projector. |
| reversed. |
| · The Pr and Pb inputs on the |
| Component input on the |
| Controller are reversed |
The Projector will not turn | · The Projector will not turn on | · Wait two minutes until the LED |
back on after it was powered- | for two minutes after power- | on the front of the Controller |
down, or the image disap- | down to protect its bulb. | turns red. |
pears during operation. | · The bulb has failed |