Making Devices Known to CRM
Wireless Mobile Guide 2–5
Field Description
type of markup language it uses.
HTTP Content Type This is similar to the HTTP Accepts
field. Specifying a markup language
in this field ensures that when CRM
sends back a reply to the device, it
tells it which markup language it is
Supports HTML
Specify whether or not the device you
are setting up supports HTML frames.
Device Image
Specify the image extension (.jpg, .gif,
.png, etc) to be used with the device.
Device Code Page Specify the character set. For example,
shiftjs or utf8.
Device Max Rows Specify the maximum number of rows
that can appear in a grid.
CRM typically maps
user agents
automatically. It is
unlikely that you will
need to map them
Every mobile device has a user agent, which describes the device to CRM. You
only need to map a user agent to a device if the device is not already known to
the CRM system. If you do not map a user agent to the device, CRM determines
which user agent the device uses and maps it automatically.
To map a user agent to a device:
1. From Administration | Advanced Customization | Devices, select a device
from the list of devices by clicking on its hypertext link.
Devices list
The Device input form is displayed.