Finding Contact Information
4–4 Sage CRM
Searching for a Company The procedure for finding a company is similar to the procedure for finding a
To search for a company:
1. From the Main Menu, select the Company link.
2. When the Company Search page is displayed, select the Company Name edit
The Text input screen is displayed.
3. Enter the first letter of the company name and then select the Search link.
The Company Search result page is displayed, showing a list of all the
companies in CRM that match the search criteria.
4. Select the link of the company whose details you want to view.
5. The Company Summary page is displayed. If you scroll through the details,
this page shows you address, phone, fax and e-mail information for the
selected company.
Company Summary page
Scrolling to the end of the page enables you to view opportunities,
communications, cases, and related people for the company or return to the
Main Menu.