Click I Accept.
The installation is started automatically and the installation progress window is d isplayed, as shown in the
figure below.
zManual Installation: If the USB driver is not installed automatically, insert the provide d USB Monitor
Install CD into the CD-ROM drive of your PC. ‘Double-click My Compu ter on the Windows Desktop and
click on User Manual (I:). The volume name of the removable storage disk (for example, E:, F:, G: ) m ay
be different depending on your computer environment.
Right-click it and select 'Open' from the displayed menu. Double-click th e 'Setup' file and an installation
progress window is displayed, as shown in the figure below. The remaining steps are the same as for the
automatic installation.
4.When setup is finished, a monitor icon is created in the system tray at the bottom of the monito r screen,
and the information for the installed USB monitor is displayed.
When the installation is completed, configure the following settings to use m ultiple monitors.
5-1. Right-click on the ‘Windows Desktop’ and selec t ‘Properties’ from the displayed menu. The “Display
Properties” window appears.
5-2. 'Select the “Settings” tab. A list of connected USB m onitors is displayed.