Samsung AR09FSFKBWTXEE, AR09FSFKBWTNEE, AR12FSFKBWTXEE Nelieskite įrenginio šlapiomis rankomis


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Naudojimui Europoje: Šį prietaisą gali naudoti vyresni nei 8 metų vaikai ir asmenys su ribotais fiziniais, jutimo ar protiniais gebėjimais arba asmenys, neturintys pakankamai patirties ir žinių, nebent jie, naudodamiesi šiuo prietaisu, būtų prižiūrimi ar susipažinę su naudojimo instrukcijomis. Prietaisas nėra skirtas žaisti vaikams. Vaikai, jei nėra prižiūrimi suaugusiųjų asmenų, negali valyti prietaiso ar atlikti techninių priežiūros darbų.


Junfrau EE_AR09FSFK@_IB_DB68-06190A-00_LT.indd 10

2016/5/5 11:24:34

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Samsung AR09FSFKBWTXEE, AR09FSFKBWTNEE Nelieskite įrenginio šlapiomis rankomis, Negerkite vandens iš oro kondicionieriaus


The Samsung AR12FSFKBWTNEE, AR12FSFKBWTXEE, AR09FSFKBWTNEE, and AR09FSFKBWTXEE air conditioners are contemporary solutions designed for effective climate control in various living spaces. These models are part of Samsung's extensive range of air conditioning systems that focus on performance, efficiency, and convenience.

One of the standout features across these models is the Digital Inverter technology. This innovation enables the compressor to operate at variable speeds, ensuring that the desired temperature is maintained without excessive energy consumption. Consequently, the units achieve higher energy efficiency ratings, reducing electricity bills while promoting eco-friendliness.

The design of the units complements any interior, with a sleek finish and subtle contours that enhance aesthetics without compromising functionality. These models also come equipped with a convenient remote control system, allowing users to set their desired temperatures from anywhere in the room, adding an element of comfort and practicality.

In terms of air quality, Samsung has integrated advanced filtration systems into these air conditioners. The Clean Air Filter effectively captures dust, allergens, and other airborne particles, ensuring that the air circulated is not just cool but also clean and fresh. The filters are easy to access and clean, promoting consistent performance without the hassle of complicated maintenance.

These air conditioners also feature a wide airflow system, which ensures that cool air is evenly distributed throughout the room. The 3-way airflow capability allows users to direct the flow of air in multiple directions, optimizing comfort levels in large or irregularly shaped spaces.

Moreover, the models are equipped with a built-in turbo mode that facilitates rapid cooling. This mode is particularly useful during hot summer days when immediate comfort is desired. Additionally, a quiet operation feature allows the air conditioners to function at low noise levels, making them suitable for bedrooms and other quiet spaces.

Energy Star certifications for these models confirm their energy efficiency, making them an excellent choice for environmentally conscious consumers. Combined with durable build quality and responsive after-sales service, the Samsung AR12FSFKBWTNEE, AR12FSFKBWTXEE, AR09FSFKBWTNEE, and AR09FSFKBWTXEE air conditioners are compelling choices for those seeking reliable, efficient, and stylish climate control solutions.