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Ispravno odlaganje proizvoda (Električni i elektronički otpad)

(Primjenjivo Primjenjuje se u zemljama s posebnim sustavima za prikupljanje otpada)

Ova oznaka na proizvodu, dodatnoj opremi ili u literaturi ukazuje na to da se proizvod i njegova elektronička oprema (npr., punjač, slušalice, USB kabel) ne bi trebali odlagati s ostalim kućanskim otpadom na kraju radnog vijeka. Da biste spriječili moguću štetu za okoliš ili ljudsko zdravlje nekontroliranim odlaganjem otpada, odvojite ovaj predmet od ostalih vrsta otpada i odgovorno reciklirajte kako biste promicali održivu ponovnu upotrebu materijalnih resursa.

Korisnici u kućanstvima trebali bi kontaktirati prodavača kod kojega su kupili proizvod ili ured lokalne vlasti za pojedinosti o tome gdje i kako se ovaj predmet može odnijeti kako bi recikliranje bilo sigurno za okoliš.

Korisnici u tvrtkama trebaju kontaktirati dobavljača i provjeriti uvjete i odredbe kupovnog ugovora. Ovaj proizvod i njegova elektronička oprema ne smije se miješati s drugim komercijalnim otpadom.

Ispravno odlaganje baterija koje se koriste sa proizvodom

(Primjenjivo Primjenjuje se u zemljama s posebnim sustavima za prikupljanje otpada)

Ova oznaka, prikazana na proizvodu, pratećoj literaturi ili pakiranju, pokazuje da na kraju radnog vijeka, baterije korištene sa ovim proizvodom ne treba odlagati zajedno sa ostalim otpadom iz kućanstva. Tamo gdje su

dani, kemijski simboli Hg, Cd ili Pb označavaju da baterija sadrži živu, kadmij ili olovo iznad praga vrijednosti dopuštenih direktivom EU 2006/66. Ako baterije nisu odgovarajuće odložene, ove materije mogu štetno djelovati na ljudsko zdravlje ili okoliš.

Kako biste zaštitili prirodne resurse i promovirali ponovnu uporabu materijala, molimo odvojite baterije od ostalog otpada i reciklirajte ih putem lokalnog sustava za odlaganje baterija.

Informacije o obvezama tvrtke Samsung u pogledu okoliša i regulatornih obveza specifičnih za proizvod npr. REACH, posjetite stranicu: samsung.com/uk/aboutsamsung/samsungelectronics/corporatecitizenship/data_corner. html

Hrvatski 3

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Samsung is a leading name in the world of home appliances, and its latest range of air conditioning units continues to showcase innovation and efficiency. Among the models available, the AR09KSWNAWKNET, AR12KSWSBWKNZE, AR09KSWSBWKNET, AR07KSWNAWKNEU, and AR09KSWSBWKNZE are designed to provide optimal comfort while ensuring energy efficiency and user-friendly features.

One of the standout features across these models is the advanced Digital Inverter technology. This technology helps maintain a consistent temperature without frequently switching the compressor on and off, resulting in energy savings of up to 70% compared to traditional air conditioners. This translates to lower electricity bills and a reduced carbon footprint, making them a fantastic choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Each model is equipped with a Smart Installation feature, allowing for quick and easy setup. Samsung's innovative technology ensures that the installation process is simple for both users and technicians, eliminating the hassle typically associated with air conditioner installation.

These models also include the high-performance Triple Protector technology, which safeguards the air conditioner against power surges and high voltage, ensuring longevity and reliability. Additionally, their corrosion-resistant coating enhances durability, making them suitable for various environments.

The design of these air conditioning units embraces modern aesthetics, with sleek finishes that can seamlessly blend into any home decor. The compact size also allows for versatile installation options, whether mounted on the wall or placed in a corner.

Samsung's innovative air filtration system is another impressive feature. The advanced filter effectively captures dust, allergens, and other airborne particles, ensuring that the air circulated in the home is clean and healthy. Some models even include a self-cleaning function, which automatically removes dust and moisture, enhancing the overall air quality.

The user experience is further enhanced with Samsung's Smart Control technology, which allows users to control their air conditioning system remotely through a smartphone app. This feature enables users to adjust settings, schedule operations, and monitor energy consumption from anywhere, providing convenience and peace of mind.

In summary, the Samsung AR series air conditioning models, including the AR09KSWNAWKNET, AR12KSWSBWKNZE, AR09KSWSBWKNET, AR07KSWNAWKNEU, and AR09KSWSBWKNZE, are equipped with advanced technologies that promote energy efficiency, user convenience, and air quality. With their combination of reliable performance and modern design, these units are an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their home’s comfort.