
Voice prompt



When you enter Pairing

“Ready to pair. Search for the headset from the

Bluetooth menu. Enter 0000 if prompted for a






When you turn the voice

“Voice prompt is on” or

prompt on or off

“Voice prompt is off”

When you turn Multi-point

“Multi-point mode is on” or

feature on or off

“Multi-point mode is off”

When you connect the

“Device is connected”

headset to a phone


When you connect the

“Two devices are conected”

headset to two phones


When you disconnect the

“Device is disconnected”

headset from a phone


When you reject or end a

“Call terminated”



When you check the

“Headset battery level is high” or

“Headset battery level is medium” or

battery level

“Headset battery level is low”