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Sådan fungerer en mikrobølgeovn


Kontroller, at ovnen fungerer korrekt


Mikrobølger er højfrekvenselektromagnetiske bølger. Den frigjorte energi kan tilberede eller opvarme maden uden at ændre hverken form eller kulør. Du kan bruge mikrobølgeovnen til:

Automatisk lynoptøning

Automatisk opvarmning / tilberedning



1.Mikrobølgerne, der udvikles af magnetronen fordeles ensartet, da maden drejer rundt på drejeskiven. Maden koges derfor ensartet.

2.Mikrobølgerne absorberes i maden indtil en dybde

på ca. 2,5 cm. Kogningen fortsætter derefter, efterhånden som varmen afgives inde i maden.

3. Kogetiden varierer alt efter madens egenskaber, og hvilken opskrift der bliver brugt:

Mængde og massefylde


Begyndelsestemperatur (afkølet eller ikke)

Da den midterste del af maden bliver kogt ved varmeafgivelse, fortsætter kogningen selv efter, at du har taget maden ud af ovnen. De angivne tider i opskrifterne og i denne håndbog skal derfor overholdes for at sikre:

Gennemkogning af maden

Den samme temperatur i hele portionen

Med følgende enkle fremgangsmåd e kan du til enhver tid selv kontrollere, om ovnen fungerer korrekt. Hvis du er i tvivl, bedes du se afsnittet “Sådan går du frem, hvis du er i tvivl eller får problemer” på næste side.

Ovnen skal være tilsluttet en passende stikkontakt. Drejeskiven skal være på plads i ovnen. Hvis du bruger en anden effekt end maksimum-effekten (100% - 900 W), tager det længere tid, før vandet koger.

Åbn ovndøren ved at trække i håndtaget i dørens højre side. Placer et glas vand på drejeskiven. Luk derefter døren.

1.Tryk på knappen Start ( ) Indstil tiden til 4 eller 5

minutter ved at trykke på knappen Start ( ) et passende antal gange.

Resultat: Ovnen opvarmer vandet i 4 til 5 minutter. Vandet skal derefter koge.


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Samsung C109STC/XEE, C109STC-5/XEE manual Mikrobølgerne absorberes i maden indtil en dybde

C109STC/XEE, C109STC-5/XEE specifications

The Samsung C109STC-5/XEE and C109STC/XEE are compact, multifunctional devices designed specifically for the needs of modern users. These models stand out in the crowded market of technology with a combination of user-friendly features, advanced technologies, and an emphasis on seamless functionality.

One of the main features of the Samsung C109 series is its sleek and compact design, making it easy to integrate into any workspace or home setting. With its minimalist aesthetics, the device is not only functional but also visually appealing, suitable for users who value both style and performance.

In terms of printing capabilities, the C109STC series boasts high-quality output with crisp, clear text and vibrant colors. This is attributed to Samsung’s innovative printing technology, which utilizes advanced toner formulations. Users can expect sharp details in their documents and images, ensuring that printed materials reflect professionalism and quality.

The C109STC-5/XEE and C109STC/XEE also support wireless printing, allowing users to print conveniently from their smartphones, tablets, or computers without the hassle of wired connections. This feature is enhanced by compatibility with various mobile printing solutions like Samsung’s own Mobile Print app, as well as Google Cloud Print. This level of connectivity adds a new dimension of flexibility, enabling users to print and manage their tasks from virtually anywhere.

Furthermore, the C109 series is designed with energy efficiency in mind, meeting eco-friendly standards while delivering high performance. The devices are equipped with features such as duplex printing and an energy-saving mode, which not only reduce power consumption but also lower operational costs.

For users seeking durability and reliability, the Samsung C109STC-5/XEE and C109STC/XEE offer robust performance. With high monthly duty cycle ratings, these printers are built to handle the demands of busy environments.

In summary, the Samsung C109STC-5/XEE and C109STC/XEE series represent a compelling choice for those who require a reliable, efficient, and stylish printing solution. With their combination of high-quality printing, wireless capabilities, and eco-conscious features, these models cater to a wide range of needs, making them ideal for both personal and professional use. As technology continues to evolve, these printers exemplify how innovation can enhance productivity while also prioritizing sustainability.