Samsung CZ15VTSN/XEG manual Accessing the menu system, OSD functions and adjustments

Models: CZ15VTSN/XEG

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Adjusting Your LCD Monitor

Accessing the menu system


With the OSD off, push the MENU button to open it and display the main function



Use the and “+” buttons to move between the function icons. As you move from

one icon to another, the function name changes to reflect the function or group of


functions represented by that icon. See the Screen controls table to view a complete


list of all the functions available for the monitor.


Push the MENU button once to activate the highlighted function then use the and

+” buttons to move to sub-menus, or according to the indicators on the menu, to


make your changes.


After selecting a function, use the and “+” buttons to make the adjustments. The

setting slidebar moves and the numeric value indicator changes to reflect your




NOTE: The numeric value indicator is provided as a point of reference only and does


not reflect any measureable value.


Push the EXIT button once or twice to return to the main menu to select another

function or push the EXIT button 1 to 3 times to exit from the OSD.

OSD functions and adjustments

Table 2. Screen controls


Menus and Sub-menus

Function Descriptions




English 13

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Samsung CZ15VTSN/XEG manual Accessing the menu system, OSD functions and adjustments, Brightness Contrast