Using the Bookmark Function

Using the Zoom Function


Clips Menu for MP3/WMA/JPEG




This feature lets you bookmark sections of a DVD or VCD (MENU OFF mode) so you can quickly find them at a later time.

Using the Bookmark Function (DVD/VCD)

1.During play, press the MENU button on the remote.

2.Use the UP/DOWN buttons to highlight Function, then press the RIGHT or ENTER button.

3.Select Bookmark using the UP/DOWN buttons, then press the RIGHT or ENTER button.

4.Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to move to the desired bookmark icon.

5.When you reach the scene you want to mark, press the ENTER button. The icon will change to a number (1, 2, or 3).

Recalling a Marked Scene

1.During play, press the MENU button on the remote and select the Bookmark.

2.Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select a marked scene.

3.Press the PLAY/PAUSE ( ) buttons to skip to the marked scene.

Clearing a Bookmark

1.During play, press the MENU button on the remote and select the Bookmark.

2.Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select the bookmark number you want to delete.

3.Press the CLEAR button to delete a bookmark number.


Up to three scenes may be marked at a time.

When in VCD 2.0 mode (MENU ON mode), this function does not work. (See page 13)

Depending on a disc, the Bookmark function may not work.

Using the Zoom Function (DVD/VCD)

1.During play or pause mode, press the MENU button on the remote.

2.Use the UP/DOWN buttons to highlight Function, then press the RIGHT or ENTER button.

3.Select Zoom using the UP/DOWN buttons, then press the RIGHT or ENTER button.

4.Use the UP/DOWN or LEFT/RIGHT buttons to select the part of the screen you want to zoom in on.

5.Press the ENTER button.

-During DVD play, press ENTER to zoom in 2X/4X/2X/Normal in order.

-During VCD play, press ENTER to zoom in 2X/Normal in order.

Discs with MP3/WMA/JPEG contain individual songs or pictures that can be organized into folders like below-similar to how you use your computer to put files into different folders.

1.Open the disc tray.

2.Place the disc on the tray.

-Place the disc with the labeled side up.

3.Close the tray.

-The tray closes and you should get a screen that looks like the one below.

O f f


0 0 : 0 0 : 2 3



1 _ m p 3





















B e c a u s e Yo u

C a c t u s

S a d D a y

Parent Folder, Current Folder

Folders and Files in

and Peer Folders

Current Folder

: Name of currently playing file.

: Current Playback Time.

: Current Playback Mode : There are 4 modes, toggle by the REPEAT button.

-Off : Normal Playback

-Track : Repeats the current track.

-Folder : Repeats the current folder.

-Random : Files in the disc will be played in random order.

: MP3 file icon.

: WMA file icon.

: JPEG file icon.

: Folder icon.

: Current Folder icon.


