Samsung DVD-P171/XET PouÏívanie funkcie zobra- zovania Display Function, Prehrávanie DVD/MPEG4

Models: DVD-P171/XEH DVD-P171/XET DVD-P171/XEO DVD-P171/AUS

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PouÏívanie funkcie hºada- nia a preskoãenia (Search /Skip Functions)

Poãas prehrávania môÏete r˘chlo prehºadávaÈ kapi- tolu alebo stopu a pomocou funkcie preskoãenia môÏete preskoãiÈ k ìal‰iemu v˘beru.

Prehºadávanie kapitoly alebo stopy

Stlaãte tlaãidlo SEARCH ( alebo ) na diaºkovom ovládaní a podrÏte ho dlh‰ie ako 1 sekundu.




64X, 128X










-R˘chlosÈ, ktorá je vyznaãená pri tejto funkcii, sa môÏe lí‰iÈ od skutoã nej r˘chlosti prehrávania.

-Poãas reÏimu prehrávania nie je poãuÈ Ïiaden- zvuk (Okrem CD).

Preskakovanie stôp

Poãas prehrávania stlaãte tlaãidlo SKIP (




- Ak pri prehrávaní DVD stlaãíte tlaãidlo SKIP (


), pre-



suniete sa kì al‰ej kapitole. Stlaãením tlaãidla SKIP

( ) sa presuniete na zaãiatok kapitoly. ëal‰ím stlaãením sa presuniete na zaãiatok predchádzajúcej kapitoly.

-Pri prehrávaní ãi CD sa stlaãením tlaãidla SKIP ( ) presuniete k nasledujúcej stope.Stlaãením tlaãidla SKIP

( ) sa presuniete na za ãiatok stopy. ëal‰ím stlaãením sa presuniete na zaãiatok predchádzajúcej stopy.

PouÏívanie funkcie zobra- zovania (Display Function)

Prehrávanie DVD/MPEG4

1.V priebehu prehrávania DVD/CD stlaãte tlaãidlo INFO.

2. Pre voºbu poÏadovanej jednotky pouÏite tlaãidlo /.

3.Stláãaním tlaãidiel / vykonajte Ïiadané nastavenie a potom stlaãte tlaãidlo ENTER.

-Pomocou ãíseln˘ch tlaãidiel na diaºkovom ovládaãi môÏete priamo vybraÈ titul alebo kapitolu, ãi spustiÈ prehrávanie filmu na urãenom mieste.

4.Ak chcete toto okno zatvoriÈ, opäÈ stlaãte tlaãidlo CANCEL.


Pre prístup k poÏadovanému titulu v prípade, Title Ïe je na disku viac neÏ jeden titul.

Ak máte napríklad na disku viac neÏ jeden film, bude kaÏd˘ film identifikovan˘.


Väã‰ina diskov DVD je nahraná po kapi-

tolách, takÏe môÏete r˘chle nájsÈ urãitú









Pomocou tejto moÏnosti môÏete prehrávaÈ


film od zadaného ãasu. Musíte zadaÈ poãia-


toãn˘ ãasako referenciu.


U niektor˘ch diskov funkcia hºadania ãasu



VzÈ ahuje sa na jazyk zvukovej stopy filmu. V Audio tomto príklade sa prehráva ‰esÈ kanálová

anglická zvuková stopa. Na disku DVD môÏe byÈ aÏ osem rôznych zvukov˘ch stôp. Podporované sú formáty MP3, AC3 a WMA. (DivX)Pozrite sa na jazyky titulkov, ktoré sú dostupné na disku.




MôÏete si vybraÈ jazyk titulkov, ktor˘ chcete



alebo, keì si to Ïeláte, môÏete zobrazenie tit-







ulkov vypnúÈ.




Disk DVD môÏe maÈ aÏ 32 rôznych titulkov.








Pre prístup k poÏadovanej funkcii Bookmark




a Angle.







Niektoré disky DVD majú v niektor˘ch




zobrazeniach viac funkcií uhla.




Funkcia Bookmark vám umoÏÀuje nájsÈ




jednoducho a r˘chlo stopu alebo kapitolu na







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Samsung DVD-P171/XET, DVD-P171/AUS PouÏívanie funkcie zobra- zovania Display Function, Prehºadávanie kapitoly alebo stopy

DVD-P171/XEH, DVD-P171/XET, DVD-P171/XEO, DVD-P171/AUS specifications

The Samsung DVD-P171 is a versatile and compact DVD player designed to enhance your home entertainment experience. With its sleek design and reliable performance, the DVD-P171 offers a range of features that cater to both casual viewers and home theater enthusiasts.

One of the standout features of the Samsung DVD-P171 is its compatibility with various disc formats. In addition to standard DVDs, this player supports CD, CD-R, CD-RW, and JPEG discs, allowing users to enjoy a diverse media library. The ability to read multiple formats makes it an ideal choice for those who have a collection of different media types.

The DVD-P171 is equipped with Samsung’s advanced DVD technology that ensures high-quality video output. With progressive scan capabilities, the player delivers a smooth and clear picture, significantly enhancing the viewing experience, especially on larger screens. The player provides digital output options, making it easy to connect to modern home theater systems that support surround sound formats.

Connectivity is another strength of the DVD-P171. It offers composite video, S-Video, and coaxial digital audio outputs, providing users with flexibility in how they connect their devices. This versatility allows the player to integrate seamlessly with various TV models and audio systems. The inclusion of an on-screen display also simplifies navigation through settings and options, enabling users to customize their experience with ease.

In terms of user-friendly features, the Samsung DVD-P171 includes an intuitive remote control, giving users easy access to all functionalities from the comfort of their couch. Moreover, the player features a fast and efficient loading time, which significantly reduces wait times when starting a movie or playing a disc.

The design of the DVD-P171 is minimalist, making it an unobtrusive addition to any entertainment setup. Its compact size means it can easily fit into entertainment centers or be placed on shelves without occupying much space.

Overall, the Samsung DVD-P171 is a reliable and feature-rich DVD player that delivers impressive performance and versatility. Whether you're watching your favorite films, enjoying music CDs, or viewing photo slideshows, this player offers a comprehensive solution for all your media needs, making it a worthwhile addition to your home entertainment system.