Using the Zoom FunctionUsing the Zoom Function
- During DVD or VCD play or pause mode, press ZOOM
button on the remocontrol repetedly to zoom in
- During VCD play, press ZOOMbutton to zoom in
2X/4X/2X/Normalin order.
Clips Menu forMP3/WMA/JPEG/CDAudio/MPEG4CD Audio or discs with MP3/WMA/JPEG/MPEG4
contain individual songs and/or pictures that can be
organized into folders as shown below. They are sim-
ilar to how you use your computer to put files into dif-
ferent folders.
Open the disc tray.
Place the disc on the tray.
Close the tray.
The tray closes and this
screen displays.
-: Current Playback Mode : There are four
modes. They can be selected in order by
pressing the REPEATbutton.
- Off: Normal Playback
- Track: Repeats the current track.
- Folder: Repeats the current folder.
- Random:Files in the disc will be played in
random order.
- : STOPfile icon.
- : PLAYfile icon
- : WMA file icon
- : MP3 file icon.
- : JPG file icon.
- : AVI file icon.
- : CD file icon.
- : Folder file icon
- : current file icon
- To select the Parent Folder
Press the RETURNbutton to go to parent folder, or press the
buttons to select “..” and press ENTERto go to the
parent folder.
Folder SelectionMP3/WMA/CD Audio Playback1. Open the disc tray. Place the disc on the tray. Close the tray.
- Only one kind of file is played back when a disc or a
folder contains both MP3 and WMAfiles.
2. Press the
buttons to select a song file.
Press ENTERto begin playback of the song file.
track 1
track 2
track 3
track 4
Repeat/Random playback
Press the REPEATbutton to change the playback mode. There
are four modes, such as Off, Track, Folderand Random.
- Off: Normal Playback
- Track: Repeats the current song file.
- Folder: Repeats the song files which have the same
extension in the current folder.
- Random: Song files which have the same extension will be
played in random order.