Prijenos datoteka na Windows računalo

Prijenos datoteka pomoću programa Intelli-studio

Program Intelli-studio možete skinuti sa Internet stranice i instalirati ga na računalo. Kada fotoaparat spojite s računarom koji ima instaliran Intelli-studio, program se pokreće automatski.

Dok je fotoaparat povezan s računalom putem USB kabela baterija se puni.

6 Uključite fotoaparat.

Kada se skočni prozor za instalaciju Intelli-studio pojavi na zaslonu računala, slijedite upute na zaslonu za završetak instalacije.

Kada je Intelli-studio instaliran na računalu, računalo prepoznaje fotoaparat i automatski pokreće Intelli-studio.

Ako USB mogućnost postavite na Odaberi način rada, u skočnom prozoru odaberite Računalo.

1 Na početnom zaslonu dodirnite <Osnovno>.

2 Odaberite .

3 Odaberite Spajanje “ Softver računala “ Uključeno. 4 Isključite fotoaparat.

5 Fotoaparat povežite s računalom pomoću USB kabela.

Morate priključiti mali kraj USB kabela na fotoaparat. Vaše bi datoteke u slučaju da kabel naopako priključite mogle biti oštećene. Proizvođač nije odgovoran za bilo kakve gubitke podataka.

7 Odaberite odredišnu mapu na računalu, a zatim odaberite Da.

Nove datoteke spremljene na fotoaparat će se automatski prenijeti u odabranu mapu.

Ako fotoaparat nema novih datoteka, neće se pojaviti skočni prozor za spremanje novih datoteka.

Za sustave Windows Vista i Windows 7, u prozoru Auto Play odaberite Run iLinker.exe da biste pokrenuli program Intelli-studio. Ako se Run iLinker.exe ne pojavi na računalu, kliknite “ Računalo “ Intelli-studio, a zatim slijedite upute na zaslonu kako biste dovršili instalaciju programa Intelli-studio.

Reprodukcija/Uređivanje 101

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Samsung EC-DV300FBPBE3 manual Prijenos datoteka pomoću programa Intelli-studio, Prijenos datoteka na Windows računalo

EC-DV300FBPRE3, EC-DV300FBPBE3, EC-DV300FBPSE3 specifications

Samsung's EC-DV300FBPSE3, EC-DV300FBPBE3, and EC-DV300FBPRE3 cameras represent a significant advancement in compact digital photography, striking a balance between ease of use and high-quality imaging. These models are designed to cater to a wide range of users, from casual photographers to those seeking a reliable point-and-shoot device.

One of the standout features of these models is their 16.1 MP CCD sensor. This high-resolution sensor captures detailed images with vibrant colors and sharp contrast even in challenging lighting conditions. The cameras also come equipped with a 5x optical zoom lens, allowing users to get closer to their subjects without sacrificing image quality. This is particularly useful for photographing distant objects or capturing candid moments from afar.

The EC-DV300FB series boasts advanced imaging technologies, including Smart Auto 2.0, which automatically analyzes the scene and adjusts settings accordingly. This feature simplifies the photography process, ensuring optimal results without the need for extensive manual adjustments. Users can enjoy a variety of shooting modes, including portrait, landscape, macro, and night mode, making it easy to adapt to different environments and subjects.

Another noteworthy characteristic of these cameras is the high-definition video recording capabilities. The ability to capture 720p HD video allows users to document memories in stunning detail, ensuring that special moments are preserved in a vibrant format. Additionally, the integrated wind-cut filter enhances audio quality during recordings, reducing distracting background noise.

These models also feature a 3-inch LCD display, which provides a clear and bright interface for composing shots and reviewing images. The menus are user-friendly, making navigation and setting adjustments straightforward, even for those new to digital photography.

In terms of connectivity, the EC-DV300FB series includes features such as Wi-Fi to share photos and videos easily with friends and family. This connectivity opens up new avenues for instant sharing and social media integration, making it convenient for users to upload their experiences in real time.

With a sleek design and lightweight construction, these cameras are highly portable, allowing users to take them anywhere without the burden of carrying bulky equipment. Whether for travel, family events, or everyday moments, the Samsung EC-DV300FBPSE3, EC-DV300FBPBE3, and EC-DV300FBPRE3 cameras deliver on quality, performance, and user satisfaction, making them excellent choices in the compact camera market.