SvarƯgas piezƯmes

-Kamera nav njdensdroša.

Lai novƝrstu bƯstamu elektrošoku, nekƗdƗ gadƯjumƗ neturiet kameru slapjƗs rokƗs.

-Lietojot kameru mitrƗs vietƗs, piemƝram, pludmalƝ vai pie peldbaseina, piesargieties, lai kamerƗ neiekƺnjtu smiltis un njdens. Šo nosacƯjumu neievƝrošana var izraisƯt kameras kƺnjmes, kƗ arƯ padarƯt to nelietojamu.

Krasas temperatnjras maiƼas var radƯt traucƝjumus.

-Ja kamera no aukstas vides nonƗk siltƗ un mitrƗ vidƝ, uz elektroniskajƗm daƺƗm var izveidoties kondensƗts. ŠƗdƗ gadƯjumƗ izslƝdziet kameru un nelietojiet to vismaz 1 stundu, lai ƺautu mi- trumam izžnjt. Mitrums var uzkrƗties arƯ uz atmiƼas kartes. ŠƗdƗ gadƯjumƗ izslƝdziet kameru un izƼemiet atmiƼas karti. ƹaujiet mitrumam nožnjt.

BrƯdinƗjums par objektƯva lietošanu

-Ja objektƯvs ir pakƺauts tiešai saules gaismai, tas var izraisƯt attƝlu sensora izbalƝšanu un bojƗjumus.

-Piesargieties, lai uz objektƯva virsmas neparƗdƯtos pirkstu nospiedumi un nenokƺnjtu svešƷermeƼi.

Ja digitƗlƗ kamera netiek lietota ilgu laiku, var notikt elektriskƗ izlƗde. Ja kameru nav paredzƝts izmantot ilgu laiku, vƝlams izƼemt bateriju/akumulatoru un atmiƼas karti.

Ja kamera tiek pakƺauta elektroniskiem traucƝjumiem, tƗ izslƝdzas, lai pasargƗtu atmiƼas karti.

Kameras apkope

-Lietojiet mƯkstu slotiƼu (pieejama fotopreþu veikalos), lai rnjpƯgi notƯrƯtu objektƯvu un LCD monitoru. Ja tas nelƯdz, var izmantot objektƯva tƯrƯšanai paredzƝtu papƯru un šƷidrumu.

TƯriet kameras korpusu ar mƯkstu drƗniƼu. Piesargieties, lai kamera nenonƗktu saskarƝ ar šƷƯdinƗtajiem, piemƝram, ben- zolu, lƯdzekƺiem pret kukaiƼiem, atšƷaidƯtƗjiem utt. Tas var bojƗt kameras korpusu, kƗ arƯ ietekmƝt tƗs darbƯbu. NeuzmanƯga lietošana var izraisƯt LCD monitora bojƗjumus. Sargiet kameru no bojƗjumiem un, kad kamera netiek lietota, vienmƝr glabƗjiet to drošƯbas futrƗlƯ.

NemƝƧiniet izjaukt un pƗrveidot kameru.

AtsevišƷos gadƯjumos statiskƗ elektrƯba var izraisƯt zibspuldzes uzplaiksnƯšanos. Kamerai tas nekaitƝ, un tƗ nav kƺnjme.

Kad attƝli tiek augšupielƗdƝti un lejupielƗdƝti, datu pƗrraidi var ietekmƝt statiskƗ elektrƯba. ŠƗdƗ gadƯjumƗ atvienojiet USB kabeli, pievienojiet to atpakaƺ un vƝlreiz mƝƧiniet veikt pƗrraidi.

Pirms nozƯmƯgiem notikumiem un ceƺojumiem vƝlams pƗrbaudƯt kameras stƗvokli.

-UzƼemiet fotogrƗfiju, lai pƗrbaudƯtu kameru, un sagatavojiet rezerves bateriju/akumulatoru.

-Samsung neuzƼemas atbildƯbu par kameras bojƗjumiem.

Ja kamera netiek ilgu laiku lietota, datums un laiks var pieƼemt noklusƝtos iestatƯjumus automƗtiskas baterijas izlƗdƝšanƗs dƝƺ. ŠƗdƗ gadƯjumƗ, pirms ierakstƯšanas, iestatiet pareizu datumu un laiku.


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Samsung EC-ES15ZBBA/RU, EC-ES15ZSBA/RU manual Krasas temperatnjras maiƼas var radƯt traucƝjumus, Kameras apkope

EC-ES15ZBBA/RU, EC-ES15ZSBA/RU specifications

The Samsung EC-ES15 series of digital cameras, specifically the models EC-ES15ZWBA/RU, EC-ES15ZSBA/RU, EC-ES15ZBBA/RU, and EC-ES15ZPBA/RU, represent a blend of sophistication and user-friendly features. These compact cameras are designed to cater to both photography enthusiasts and casual users alike, making them an excellent choice for capturing life's moments.

One of the standout features of the EC-ES15 series is its 12.2 megapixel resolution, which allows users to capture crisp and detailed images. This high resolution, combined with the 5x optical zoom, grants users the flexibility to photograph subjects from various distances without sacrificing image quality. Whether shooting wide landscapes or close-up portraits, these cameras excel in versatility.

The models boast a sleek and ergonomic design, making them portable and easy to handle. Weighing just a few hundred grams, they can easily fit into a pocket or bag, making them ideal for travel and everyday use. The simple button layout and intuitive interface enhance usability, allowing users of all skill levels to navigate the camera's settings effortlessly.

Another technological highlight is Samsung's Smart Auto feature, which automatically adjusts settings based on the shooting environment. This intelligent mode takes the guesswork out of photography by selecting the optimal mode for various scenes, whether it be portrait, night, or macro photography. Additionally, the camera includes a range of scene modes, providing users with even more options for creativity.

The EC-ES15 series also features Samsung's innovative Dual Image Stabilization (DIS) technology, which combines optical and digital stabilization methods to reduce blurriness caused by camera shake. This feature is particularly beneficial for shooting in low light conditions or while zooming in on distant subjects.

Furthermore, with an array of in-camera editing features, users can enhance their photos without the need for additional software. They can apply filters, adjust brightness, and even create collages, making it easy to share unique and personalized images.

In terms of video capabilities, the EC-ES15 models can capture 720p HD video, allowing users to record high-quality footage of memorable events. The camera's dedicated video recording button simplifies the transition from photo to video, ensuring that users never miss a moment.

Overall, the Samsung EC-ES15ZWBA/RU, EC-ES15ZSBA/RU, EC-ES15ZBBA/RU, and EC-ES15ZPBA/RU are equipped with an impressive set of features, modern technologies, and user-friendly characteristics. These cameras offer an accessible yet sophisticated photography experience, making them suitable for anyone looking to enhance their picture-taking skills.