ýesto postavljana pitanja

Molimo provjerite sljedeüe ako je USB prikljuþak neispravan.

Sluþaj 1 USB kabel nije spojen ili USB kabel nije opskrbljen. Spojte opskrbljeni USB kabel.

Sluþaj 2 Fotoaparat nije prepoznat od vašeg osobnog raþunala. Ponekad, fotoaparat se može pojaviti pod nepoznatim ureÿajima [Unknown Devices] u upravitelju ureÿaja.

Iskljuþite fotoaparat, uklonite USB kabel, ponovno prikopþajte USB kabel te ukljuþite fotoaparat.

Sluþaj 3 Postoji neoþekivana pogreška pri prebacivanju datoteke.

Iskljuþite fotoaparat te ga ponovno ukljuþite. Ponovno prebacite datoteku.

Sluþaj 4 Pri uporabi USB þvorišta.

Može postojati problem u spajanju fotoaparata na osob- no raþunalo putem USB þvorišta ako osobno raþunalo i þvorište nisu kompatibilni. Kad je god moguüe, spojte fotoaparat izravno na osobno raþunalo.

Sluþaj 5 Jesu li drugi USB kabli spojeni na osobno raþunalo? Fotoaparat može javiti zastoj kad je spojen na osobno raþunalo istovremeno s drugim USB kabelom. U ovom sluþaju, odspojte drugi USB kabel te spojte samo jedan USB kabel na fotoaparat.

Sluþaj 6 Pri otvaranju upravljaþa ureÿaja (klikanjem na Start (Settings) Control Panel (Performance and Main- tenance) System (Hardware) Device Manager), nalaze se prijave nepoznatih ureÿaja ili drugih ureÿaja s žutim upitnikom(?) pokraj njih ili ureÿaji s uzviþnikom(!) pokraj njih.

Kliknite desnim klikom miša na prijavu s upitnikom (?) ili uzviþnikom (!) te odaberite uklanjanje "Remove". Restarti- rajte osobno raþunalo te ponovno spojte fotoaparat.

Sluþaj 7 U nekim sigurnosnim programima (Norton Anti Virus, V3, itd.), raþunalo može ne prepoznati fotoaparat kao pokretni disk.

Zaustavite sigurnosne programe i spojte fotoaparat na raþunalo. Pogledajte naputke za sigurnosni program u dijelu o privremenom deaktiviranju programa.

Case 8 Fotoaparat je spojen na USB prikljuþnicu smještenu na proþelju raþunala.

Kad je fotoaparat spojen na USB prikljuþnicu smještenu na proþelju raþunala, raþunalo može ne prepoznati fotoaparat. Spojte fotoaparat na USB prikljuþnicu smještenu straga na raþunalu.


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Samsung EC-ES17ZZBAPE3, EC-ES17ZZBAWE3, EC-ES17ZZBASE3, EC-ES17ZZBABE3 manual Ýesto postavljana pitanja


The Samsung EC-ES17ZZ series is an impressive lineup of compact digital cameras designed to cater to photography enthusiasts and casual users alike. This series includes models such as EC-ES17ZZBAWVN, EC-ES17ZZBAWE3, EC-ES17ZZBASE3, EC-ES17ZZBABE3, and EC-ES17ZZDABME. Each of these cameras embodies Samsung's commitment to delivering high-quality imaging capabilities and innovative technology.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-ES17ZZ series is the 16.2-megapixel sensor, which enables users to capture stunning images with remarkable clarity and detail. This high-resolution sensor is designed to perform well in various lighting conditions, allowing for vibrant colors and sharp images both indoors and outdoors.

Another major characteristic of these cameras is their impressive 5x optical zoom lens. This versatile zoom capability allows photographers to capture distant subjects with ease while maintaining image quality. Combined with a wide-angle setting, the lens creates a broad range of shooting options, making it suitable for landscapes, portraits, and everyday photography.

The EC-ES17ZZ series also incorporates advanced image stabilization technology. This feature significantly reduces camera shake, ensuring that images remain sharp and clear, even when shooting at slower shutter speeds or while zooming in on subjects. This is particularly useful for capturing memorable moments in unpredictable situations, such as family gatherings or outdoor activities.

Additionally, these cameras come equipped with a range of creative shooting modes and filters that enhance the user experience. Modes such as Smart Auto intelligently analyze the scene and adjust settings accordingly, while various artistic filters allow users to add unique effects to their photos, making every shot a work of art.

For those who enjoy sharing their photography with friends and family, the Samsung EC-ES17ZZ series features integrated Wi-Fi capabilities. This allows users to easily transfer images to their devices or share them directly on social media platforms without the need for cumbersome cables.

In terms of design, the EC-ES17ZZ series boasts a sleek and compact form factor, making it highly portable and ideal for users on the go. The intuitive user interface and LCD screen provide a seamless shooting experience, ensuring that all settings and modes are easily accessible.

Overall, the Samsung EC-ES17ZZ series represents a blend of advanced technology, user-friendly features, and a stylish design, making these cameras an excellent choice for anyone looking to capture their world with precision and creativity. Whether for casual snapshots or more serious photography, the EC-ES17ZZ models deliver quality results that surpass expectations.