Samsung EC-ES20ZZBAWE3, EC-ES20ZZBAPE3, EC-ES20ZZBASE3 manual Upute za korištenje memorijske kartice


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Upute za korištenje memorijske kartice

Obavezno formatirajte memorijsku karticu (vidi str.50) ukoliko koristite novu memorijsku karticu, ukoliko ista sadrži podatke koje kamera ne prepoznaje ili ukoliko ista sadrži slike snimljene s drugom kamerom.

Prilikom umetanja ili uklanjanja memorijske kartice iskljuþite kameru.

ýesto korištenje kartice može s vremenom smanjiti uþinkovitost memorijske kartice. U tom sluþaju trebat üete kupiti novu memori- jsku karticu. Samsung garancija ne pokriva ošteüenja na memori- jskoj kartici.

Memorijska kartica je elektronski precizni instrument. Nemojte je savijati, bacati ili optereüivati.

Nemojte þuvati memorijsku karticu u okolini s jakim elektronskim ili magnetskim poljima, npr. u blizini zvuþnika ili TV prijemnika. Molimo nemojte koristiti ili držati u okolini s ekstremnim temper- aturama.

Izbjegavajte neþistoüe na kartici ili kontakt s tekuüinom. Ukoliko do toga doÿe, memorijsku karticu oþistite pomoüu mekane krpe. Memorijsku karticu držite u kutijici ukoliko je ne koristite.

Za vrijeme i nakon razdoblja dužeg korištenja, primijetit üete da se kartica zagrijala. To je posve normalno.

Nemojte koristiti memorijsku karticu koja se koristi u drugoj digitalnoj kameri. Prije korištenja memorijske kartice u ovoj kameri formatirajte memorijsku karticu koristeüi ovu kameru.

Nemojte koristiti memorijsku karticu koja je formatirana u drugoj digitalnoj kameri ili drugom þitaþu memorijske kartice.

Ukoliko situacija odgovara niže navedenome, moguüa su ošteüenja snimljenih podataka:

-Kada se memorijska kartica koristi nepravilno.

-Ukoliko je ureÿaj iskljuþen ili je memorijska kartica uklonjena za vrijeme snimanja, brisanja (formatiranja) ili þitanja.

Samsung ne odgovara za izgubljene podatke.

Poželjno je kopirati važne podatke na druge medije kao rezerva, npr. tvrdi disk, CD, itd.

U sluþaju nedostatka memorije :

Pojavit üe se poruka [Memory Full](memorija puna) i kamera neüe raditi. Kako biste optimizirali koliþinu memorije u kameri zamijenite memorijsku karticu ili izbrišite nepotrebne slike sprem- ljene na memorijskoj kartici.

Nemojte uklanjati memorijsku karticu ukoliko je svjetlo kamere upaljeno, to bi moglo oštetiti podatke spremljene na memorijskoj kartici.


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Samsung EC-ES20ZZBAWE3, EC-ES20ZZBAPE3, EC-ES20ZZBASE3, EC-ES20ZZBABE3 manual Upute za korištenje memorijske kartice


The Samsung EC-ES20 series of compact digital cameras offers consumers an impressive combination of design, functionality, and cutting-edge technology. Specifically, models EC-ES20ZZBASFR, EC-ES20ZZBASIT, EC-ES20ZZBASSA, EC-ES20ZZDABME, and EC-ES20ZZBABE3 are recognized for their sleek aesthetics and user-friendly interfaces, making them perfect for both novice photographers and more seasoned users.

One of the standout features of the EC-ES20 series is the powerful 14.2-megapixel sensor. This high-resolution capability ensures that images capture fine details and deliver vibrant colors, enhancing the overall quality of photographs taken in various lighting conditions. The cameras also boast a 5x optical zoom lens, which allows users to get closer to their subjects without losing image quality. This feature is particularly appealing for travel photography, where subjects may be at a distance.

The EC-ES20 series incorporates advanced image stabilization technologies, which help counteract camera shake and produce sharp images, even in low-light scenarios. This feature is extremely beneficial for users who enjoy capturing spontaneous moments without the need for a tripod.

In addition to still photography, these models support HD video recording, providing users with the ability to capture high-definition videos effortlessly. The ability to switch between photo and video modes seamlessly adds to the versatility of the camera.

Another hallmark of the EC-ES20 series is the array of scene modes and filters available, which allow users to creatively enhance their images with ease. From portrait to landscape, each mode optimizes camera settings automatically, ensuring that users can achieve the best results regardless of the shooting environment.

Connectivity options such as USB and HDMI ports make it easy to transfer images and videos to other devices for editing and sharing. This connectivity, paired with a user-friendly interface, makes the Samsung EC-ES20 an ideal companion for those who enjoy documenting life’s moments.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-ES20 series is an exceptional selection for anyone looking to invest in a compact and reliable digital camera. With its blend of high resolution, optical zoom, image stabilization, and modern connectivity options, it stands out as a practical choice for capturing life’s adventures with clarity and ease. Whether for casual use or more serious photography, these models offer features that cater to a wide audience.