Starting play mode

Movie clip capture function

You can capture still images from the movie clip.

How to capture the movie clip

1.Press the Play / Pause button( Ø) while playing the movie clip. Then press the E button.

2.The paused movie clip is saved in a

new file name.















ÄThe captured movie clip file is the

same size as the original movie clip (640x480, 320x240).

Ä When you press the E button at the beginning of the movie clip, the first frame of the movie clip will be saved as a still image.

[Press the E button]

Playing back a recorded voice

1.Select the recorded voice that you want to play back by using the Left/Right button.

2. Press the play & pause button ( Ø)


to play back a recorded voice file.


- To pause a recorded voice file, while


playing it back, press the play & pause


button again.


-To resume playback of the voice file, press the play & pause button

-To rewind the voice file while it is playing, press the Left button. To fast forward the voice file, press the Right button.

-To stop playback of the voice memo, press the play & pause button and then press the MENU/OK button.

Playing back a voice memo

1. Select a still image that has the voice memo.

2.Press the play & pause button ( Ø) to play back the voice memo.

-To pause the voice memo, while playing it back, press the play & pause button ( Ø) again.

- To resume playback of the voice memo, press the play & pause button ( Ø).
