Face Detection(FD) button

Self Portrait

When taking pictures of yourself, the area of your face is automatically detected so that you can take self pictures more easily and quickly.

ÄSelectable modes: Auto, Program, Manual, DIS, Photo Help Guide, Portrait, Beach & Snow

1.When pressing the Face Detection button again on the face location screen, the Self Portrait icon appears ( ).

Pressing the

FD button

2.For self-filming, set the camera lens towards the face of the object. It automatically detects the face of the object, and emits a guiding sound.

3.Start filming by pressing the shutter button.

When locating the face in the center of the screen, it repeatedly emits a faster sound unlike the sounds that are emitted when the face is not in the center.

The guiding sound can be set using the sound setting menu. (See p.46)
Function Description / Info ( ) / Up button

While the menu is showing, the Up button operates as a direction button. If the menu screen does not appear, information or function descriptions for the current shooting mode can be accessed through the LCD monitor by pressing the Function description/ Information () button.
































Display every piece of information




Display the basic information.




Display description for each feature.



about shooting.





























[Filming screen]

[Information screen]

[Function description screen]

Function description : When pressing the Function description button on the information screen mode, detailed descriptions of the functions can be viewed. The function description can be cancelled by pressing the Function description button again.

Pressing the









Display description for each feature.

Pressing the

Set the photo size.



Fn button








[Examples of Function descriptions ]