Samsung EC-PL50ZABP/RU, EC-PL50ZSBP/RU, EC-PL50ZBBP/RU manual 040


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Funkcijas ( )

å Ar šo funkciju var noteikt līdz pat 10 personām.

å Ja kamera vienlaikus atpazīst daudzus cilvēkus, tā fokusējas uz tuvāko personu.

åŠajā režīmā nav aktivizēta digitālā tālummaiņa.

åJa kamera nosaka mērķa seju, virs tās tiks parādīts baltās krāsas fokusa rāmis, bet virs pārējām sejām pelēkas krāsas fokusa rāmis. Lai fokusētos uz seju, līdz pusei nospiediet pogu Aizvars, un baltais fokusa rāmis kļūs zaļš.

åJa sejas noteikšana neizdodas, atgriezieties iepriekšējā AF režīmā.

åDažos apstākļos šī funkcija var nedarboties pareizi.

-Ja cilvēkam ir tumšas brilles vai seja ir daļēji paslēpta.

-Ja fotografētā persona neskatās uz kameru.

-Kamera nenosaka seju, ja ir pārāk tumši vai spilgti apstākļi.

-Starp kameru un cilvēku ir pārāk liels attālums.

åMaksimālais pieejamais sejas noteikšanas diapazons ir 2.5 m (plats).

åJo tuvāk atrodas objekts, jo ātrāk kamera var atpazīt objektu.

å[Ādas retušēšana], [Portrets] un [Bērni] režīmā, funkcija [Sejas noteikšana ] ir iestatīta pēc noklusējuma vērtības.


Uzņemot pašportretus, objekta seja tiek noteikta automātiski, lai ātrāk un ērtāk izveidotu pašportretus.

ÄAtlasāmie režīmi: Auto (Automātiskais), Program (Programma), DIS, Photo Help Guide (Fotografēšanas Ceļvedis), Beauty Shot (Ādas retušēšana), Portrait (Portrets), Beach & Snow (Pludmale/sniegs)

1. Sevis filmēšanai pavērsiet kameras objektīvu pret objekta seju.

Tas automātiski nosaka objekta seju, un ir dzirdama vadoša skaņa.

2. Sāciet filmēšanu, nospiežot pogu Aizvars.

å Ja seja tiek atrasta ekrāna centrā, atkārtoti atskan skaņas signāls, kas ir ātrāks, atšķirībā no signāliem, kuri ir dzirdami, ja seja neatrodas centrā.

åVadošo skaņu var iestatīt, izmantojot skaņu iestatījumu izvēlni. (Sk. 49. lpp.)


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Samsung EC-PL50ZABP/RU, EC-PL50ZSBP/RU, EC-PL50ZBBP/RU manual 040

EC-PL50ZSBP/RU, EC-PL50ZBBP/RU, EC-PL50ZABP/RU specifications

The Samsung EC-PL50 (also known as the Samsung PL50) series encompasses a trio of compact digital cameras: the EC-PL50ZABP/RU, EC-PL50ZBBP/RU, and EC-PL50ZSBP/RU. These cameras are designed with user-friendly features that cater to both novice and experienced photographers. They embody Samsung's commitment to delivering quality imaging devices that are versatile and easy to carry.

One of the standout features of the PL50 series is its impressive 12.4-megapixel sensor. This high-resolution sensor ensures that images captured are clear, detailed, and vibrant. The larger the image size, the more flexibility users have in editing and printing, making this feature particularly valuable for photography enthusiasts.

Another notable characteristic is the 5x optical zoom capability. This allows users to capture subjects that are far away without a significant loss in quality. Combined with a 27mm wide-angle lens, the PL50 cameras excel in both landscape and portrait photography. The wider field of view enables users to capture expansive scenes, while the zoom function facilitates close-ups of distant subjects.

In terms of design, the EC-PL50 cameras boast a sleek, compact aesthetic that fits comfortably in hand and slips easily into pockets or bags. This portability ensures that users can take their camera anywhere without the burden of carrying bulky equipment. The intuitive layout of buttons and controls enhances usability, allowing for quick adjustments on the go.

The PL50 cameras are also equipped with Smart Auto mode, which automatically selects the optimal settings based on the scene being photographed. This feature reduces the learning curve for beginners, enabling them to take high-quality photos without delving into complex settings.

Additionally, the PL50 series includes a range of scene modes, such as Night, Portrait, and Landscape, providing users with the ability to optimize their shots for various conditions. The built-in image stabilization technology further enhances image quality by reducing the blurriness caused by hand movements during shooting.

With features like a 2.7-inch LCD screen, users can easily review their shots and navigate through the camera's menus. The cameras also offer video recording capabilities, allowing users to capture moments in motion with decent quality.

In summary, the Samsung EC-PL50ZABP/RU, EC-PL50ZBBP/RU, and EC-PL50ZSBP/RU stand out as reliable, stylish, and functional digital cameras. Their combination of high-resolution imaging, optical zoom capabilities, user-friendly design, and advanced features makes them excellent choices for anyone looking to enhance their photography experience. Whether capturing everyday moments or special occasions, these cameras deliver consistent results.