Prieš kreipiantis Ƴ techninơs priežinjros centrą

Nesuveikia blykstơ

Pasirinkta išjungtos blykstơs veiksena Ʋjunkite blykstĊ

Šia fotoaparato veiksena blykste naudotis negalima Žr. blykstơs instrukciją (33 p.)

Rodoma netinkama data ir laikas

Netinkamai nustatyta data ir laikas arba atkurtos numatytosios nuostatos

Nustatykite tinkamą datą ir laiką

Neveikia fotoaparato mygtukai

Fotoaparato gedimas

Išimkite ir vơl Ƴdơkite akumuliatoriǐ, Ƴjunkite fotoaparatą

Atmintinơs kortelei esant fotoaparate Ƴvyko kortelơs klaida. Netinkamas atmintinơs kortelơs formatas

Iš naujo suformuokite atmintinơs kortelĊ (59 p.)

Vaizdai neleidžiami

Netinkamas rinkmenos pavadinimas (DCF formato pažeidimas) Nekeiskite vaizdo rinkmenos pavadinimo

Vaizdo spalva skiriasi nuo tikro vaizdo

Netinkamai nustatytas baltos spalvos balansas arba efektas Parinkite tinkamą baltos spalvos balansą ir efektą

Per šviesnjs vaizdai

Pernelyg didelơ ekspozicija

Atstatykite ekspozicijos išlaikymą

Išoriniame monitoriuje nematyti vaizdo

Išorinis monitorius netinkamai prijungtas prie fotoaparato Patikrinkite sujungimo kabelius

Atmintinơs kortelơje yra netinkamǐ rinkmenǐ

Ʋdơkite atmintinơs kortelĊ su tinkamomis rinkmenomis

Naudojantis kompiuterio programa „Windows Explorer“, nematyti išimamojo disko [Removable Disk]

Netinkamai prijungtas kabelis Patikrinkite jungtƳ

Fotoaparatas išjungtas Ʋjunkite fotoaparatą

Operacinơ sistema nơra iš þia pateiktǐ: „Windows XP“, „Vista“, 7 / „Mac OS 10.4“. Arba kompiuteris nepalaiko USB

Ʋdiekite „Windows XP“, „Vista“, 7 / „Mac OS 10.4“ Ƴ kompiuterƳ, kuris palaiko USB

Dalis LCD ekrano kartais neƳsijungia arba matomas taškas LCD ekranas pagamintas pagal ypaþ tikslias technologijas, taþiau šviesesni arba raudoni vaizdo el. gali bnjti nerodomi, matysis balti ir mơlyni taškai

Šis fenomenas nepaveikia Ƴrašyto vaizdo kokybơs ir nơra fotoaparato gedimas

LCD ekrane fotografuojant šviesius objektus matoma vertikali linija Jei objektas yra ryškioje šviesoje, gali atsirasti pilka, juoda, raudona arba rožinơ vertikali linija

Šis fenomenas vadinamas dơmơmis ir neturi Ƴtakos Ƴrašytiems vaizdams. Tai nơra gedimas


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Image 93
Samsung EC-ST60ZZBPLRU, EC-ST60ZZBPBE2, EC-ST60ZZBPSE2, EC-ST60ZZBPRRU manual Vaizdo spalva skiriasi nuo tikro vaizdo


The Samsung EC-ST60ZZBPLE2, EC-ST60ZZBPBE2, EC-ST60ZZBPRE3, EC-ST61ZZBPBE2, and EC-ST60ZZBPSIT are part of Samsung's compact camera lineup, designed to cater to a range of photographic needs. These models stand out due to their blend of user-friendly features, powerful technologies, and stylish designs, making them ideal choices for both novice and experienced photographers.

One of the most prominent features of these cameras is their compact size, making them easy to carry and perfect for travel. Their sleek aesthetics are not just about looks; they also provide a robust build quality that can withstand everyday use.

The EC-ST60 series boasts a 16.2 megapixel CCD sensor, ensuring that images captured are vibrant and detailed. This high resolution allows for stunning prints and enables users to crop images without significant loss of quality. Additionally, the multi-resolution capability allows for flexibility in photo sizing, making it adaptable for various uses.

These cameras also incorporate a powerful zoom functionality, with a 5x optical zoom lens that offers a focal length equivalent to 25-125mm in 35mm terms. This allows users to capture wide-angle scenes or zoom in on distant subjects, making it versatile for different types of photography, from landscapes to portraits.

Samsung has integrated various shooting modes into these camera models, catering to different environments and lighting conditions. Users can easily switch between modes for landscapes, portraits, night shots, and more, ensuring that the best settings are utilized for each scenario. Additionally, the Smart AUTO mode automatically adjusts the camera’s settings based on the scene, making photography effortless.

The technology behind these cameras includes Samsung’s Dual Image Stabilization, which combines both optical and digital stabilization. This feature significantly reduces the chances of blurred images caused by camera shake, especially in low-light situations or when using zoom.

Users will also appreciate features such as face detection and beauty shot modes, which enhance portraits by smoothing skin tones and adjusting facial features. The high-definition video recording capabilities allow for capturing memories in motion, supporting clear video quality that complements the still photography features.

In summary, the Samsung EC-ST60ZZBPLE2, EC-ST60ZZBPBE2, EC-ST60ZZBPRE3, EC-ST61ZZBPBE2, and EC-ST60ZZBPSIT deliver an excellent combination of compactness, advanced imaging technology, and versatile shooting modes, making them suitable for a variety of photographic pursuits. Their reliable performance, along with user-friendly features, positions them as a solid choice within the compact camera market.