Samsung EC-WB35FZBPRE2 manual Foto filtro režimas, Fotografavimas stebukl. režimais, Miniatiūra


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Fotografavimas stebukl. režimais

Kad kuo geriau nufotografuotumėte panoramines nuotraukas, venkite toliau nurodytų situacijų:

--nejudinkite fotoaparato pernelyg greitai arba lėtai

--norėdami nufotografuoti kitą vaizdą, nepaslinkite fotoaparato pernelyg mažai --nejudinkite fotoaparato netolygiu greičiu

--nedrebinkite fotoaparato

--nefotografuokite tamsiose vietose

--judančių objektų nefotografuokite iš arti

--nefotografuokite kai kinta apšvietimo ryškumas ar spalva

Fotografuojamos nuotraukos automatiškai įrašomos, o fotografavimas sustabdomas esant tokioms sąlygoms:

--jei fotografuodami pakeičiate kryptį, kuria fotografuojate --jei per greitai judinate fotoaparatą

--jei nejudinate fotoaparato

Fotografuojant režimu„Panorama tiesiogiai“, neveikia skaitmeninio ir optinio priartinimo funkcijos. Pasirinkus panoramos režimą su priartintu objektyvu, fotoaparatas automatiškai grąžins jį į numatytąją padėtį.

Kai kurios fotografavimo parinktys neveikia.

Fotoaparatas gali nustoti fotografuoti sujudėjus fotografuojamai kompozicijai ar objektui.

Fotoaparatas gali užfiksuoti ne visą paskutinę sceną, jeigu sustabdysite fotoaparatą paslinkę tiksliai ties ta vieta, kurioje pageidaujate, kad baigtųsi scena. Norėdami nufotografuoti visą sceną, truputį paslinkite fotoaparatą už pageidaujamo galutinio scenos taško.

Foto filtro režimas

Kad sukurtumėte išskirtinius vaidus, nuotraukoms pritaikykite įvairius filtro efektus.


Vinječių darymas





Žuvies akis

1Pradžios ekrane slinkite į <Magiškasis>.

2Pasirinkite .

Išplėstinės funkcijos 45

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Samsung EC-WB35FZBPRE2, EC-WB35FZBPBE2 manual Foto filtro režimas, Fotografavimas stebukl. režimais, Miniatiūra, Žuvies akis


The Samsung EC-WB35FZ series, encompassing models EC-WB35FZBPWE2, EC-WB35FZBPBE2, EC-WB35FZBPLE2, and EC-WB35FZBPRE2, is a collection of compact digital cameras that embody Samsung’s commitment to cutting-edge technology and user-friendly features. Designed for photography enthusiasts and casual users alike, these cameras offer a perfect blend of style, functionality, and versatility.

One of the defining characteristics of the Samsung EC-WB35FZ series is its impressive 16.2-megapixel sensor, which delivers stunning image quality and clarity. The high resolution allows users to capture detailed shots, whether it's a scenic landscape or a close-up portrait. Coupled with a powerful 12x optical zoom lens, the cameras in this series provide the flexibility to photograph subjects from various distances without the need for additional lenses.

The EC-WB35FZ cameras are equipped with advanced image stabilization technology, ensuring that photos remain sharp and free from blurriness, even in challenging shooting conditions or when capturing fast-moving subjects. This feature is particularly beneficial for action shots, enabling users to capture moments with confidence.

Another standout technology in this series is the Smart Auto mode, which intelligently analyzes the shooting environment and selects the optimal settings for the best possible photos. This makes it easier for users to take high-quality images without extensive knowledge of manual camera settings. For those interested in creative photography, the cameras offer a range of special effects and scene modes that allow users to experiment and add a personal touch to their images.

The Samsung EC-WB35FZ series also boasts a sleek and stylish design, making it easy to carry and handle. With a user-friendly interface and touchscreen functionality, navigating through the camera’s options and settings is intuitive and straightforward. Wireless connectivity options allow for seamless sharing of photos and videos to social media platforms or cloud storage, enhancing the overall user experience.

In conclusion, the Samsung EC-WB35FZBP series represents a fantastic choice for anyone seeking a compact camera that does not compromise on quality or features. With its powerful zoom, advanced stabilization, and user-friendly interface, it provides an enjoyable photography experience suitable for both beginners and seasoned photographers.