Reduce the file size (decrease the number of scanned pages, use a lower resolution setting, or use a higher compression level such as G4). Contact your administrator to see if there is a file size limit for e-mail.
The image might have exceeded the file size limit set by your administrator for e-mail.
Check the stored address and correct if necessary.
Is the image being sent to the correct address? When using a Rapid Key or Speed Dial number, is the correct address (e-mail address or FTP address) stored in the Rapid Key or Speed Dial number?
Try sending the image using a different file format (TIFF or PDF) and/or compression method (uncompressed, G3 and G4).
Does the recipient have a software program (viewer) that is compatible with the format of the file sent?
9. Troubleshooting
Problem: The recipient can not open the image data. Check:
Problem: Data sent does not reach the recipient.
*If Scan to
*To use Scan to Desktop, the Network Scanner Tool must be installed.
Problem: Scan to E-mail is not successful.