￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿"$￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿!￿￿"￿￿￿￿￿￿#$￿￿￿￿

Rangez ou réparez votre four à micro-ondes


Spécifications techniques

Pour le rangement ou le dépannage de votre four à micro-ondes, vous devez respecter quelques précautions.

N’utilisez pas le four si la porte ou ses joints sont endommagés :

charnière cassée, joints détériorés,

châssis déformé ou embouti.

Seul un technicien spécialisé en micro-ondes peut effectuer les réparations.

Ne retirez JAMAIS l’habillage du four. Si le four est en panne ou nécessite une intervention technique :

débranchez-le de la prise de courant,

appelez le service après-vente SAMSUNG le plus proche.

Si vous souhaitez ranger temporairement votre four, choisissez un endroit sec et non-poussiéreux.

Raison: la poussière et l’humidité risquent de détériorer certains éléments du four.

Ce four à micro-ondes n’est pas conçu pour utilisation commerciale.

Les descriptions et caractéristiques figurant dans ce mode d’emploi sont données à titre d’information et sans engagement. Soucieux de la qualité de ses produits, SAMSUNG se réserve le droit d’effectuer des modifications sans préavis.





Source d’alimentation

230 V AC, 50 Hz






1300 W


1100 W

Mode combiné

2400 W



Puissance restituée en micro-ondes

100 W / 850 W 6 niveaux (IEC - 705)



Fréquence de fonctionnement

2450 MHz



Type de magnétron




Méthode de refroidissement

Moteur de ventilation



Dimensions (Long. x Haut. x Prof.)



489 x 275 x 390 mm

Cavité du four

330 x 211 x 329 mm




23 litres






15 kg environ





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Image 25
Samsung GE89M-BX/XEF Modèle GE89M-BX / GE89M-SX / GE89MST Source d’alimentation, Consommation, Fréquence de fonctionnement

GE89M-SX/XEF, GE89M-BX/XEF specifications

The Samsung GE89M-BX/XEF and GE89M-SX/XEF are innovative microwave oven models that exemplify modern kitchen technology and design. Both devices are designed to enhance cooking convenience while ensuring efficiency and versatility for everyday culinary tasks.

One of the standout features of these models is the sleek ceramic enamel interior. This specialized coating not only provides a stylish finish but also makes cleaning a breeze. Food particles and grease slide off easily, reducing the need for harsh chemicals and scrubbing. Additionally, the ceramic enamel is resistant to scratches and maintains its hygienic properties over time, ensuring a safe cooking environment.

These microwave ovens come equipped with a powerful 900 watts of cooking power, allowing for quick and efficient cooking. Users can enjoy faster heating and defrosting times, thanks to the advanced technology that ensures even cooking and minimizes cold spots in food. The GE89M models also incorporate a variety of auto cook presets, simplifying meal preparation. Whether you're reheating leftovers, cooking popcorn, or preparing a frozen meal, the built-in sensor cooking functionality adjusts power levels and cooking times automatically for optimal results.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the GE89M-BX/XEF and GE89M-SX/XEF is their compact size, making them ideal for kitchens with limited countertop space. Despite their compact dimensions, they offer a generous capacity that accommodates various dish sizes, including large plates or casserole dishes. This balance between size and functionality makes them suitable for both small households and larger families alike.

Moreover, the user-friendly control panel features a digital display that enhances usability. The touch controls are intuitive, allowing users to navigate settings quickly. In addition to standard microwave functions, the devices also include grilling options, combining microwave and grill features for a more versatile cooking experience. This is particularly beneficial for achieving that crisp texture in foods that traditional microwaves may struggle with.

In terms of energy efficiency, the Samsung GE89M series adheres to modern standards, providing not only powerful performance but also cost-effective energy consumption. This eco-friendly design aligns with today's emphasis on sustainability and responsible use of kitchen appliances.

Overall, the Samsung GE89M-BX/XEF and GE89M-SX/XEF are robust microwave ovens that blend functionality with style. Their combination of advanced features, ease of cleaning, compact design, and user-friendly controls make them excellent additions to any kitchen, catering to a diverse range of culinary needs.