Samsung GH68-25555A manual You can use the following text input modes, Abc

Models: GH68-25555A

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You can use the following text input modes:




Select an appropriate virtual key until the

character you want appears on the display.



1. Select appropriate virtual keys to enter an


entire word.


2. When the word displays correctly, select

to insert a space. If the correct word



does not display, select an alternate word


from the list that appears.


Select an appropriate virtual key to enter a




Select an appropriate virtual key to enter a





Enter text using the handwriting full screen

1.Change the text input method to Handwriting full screen.

2.Write each character anywhere on the screen. To change case or use numbers or symbols, select Abc at the bottom center of the screen.

Enter text using the handwriting box1

1.Change the text input method to Handwriting box 1.

2.Write each character in the writing area at the bottom of the screen.

Write numbers and symbols in the @1 box at the bottom right of the writing area.

To change case or use numbers or symbols, select Abc at the bottom center of the screen.

using basic functions


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Samsung GH68-25555A manual You can use the following text input modes, Abc