
answering 32 call-waiting 32 ending 33 from Call log 31 from Contacts 31 from Favorites 31 in-call options 32 rejecting 32

sending to voicemail 32 silencing a ringer 33 three-way 31

using the Dialer 30 Voice Dialer 31


recording video 76 settings 76


key 16 settings 75 taking pictures 74

Care and Maintenance 131

Children and Cell Phones 122

City ID 88



activities 49 backing up 45, 50 Backup Assistant 45 creating 40

creating from Call log 41 creating from the Dialer 41 exporting and importing 45 Get Friends 42

groups 46 history 49 linking 43 My Profile 46 namecards 44

setting a picture as contact icon 79 speed dials 49

starred contacts 45 synchronizing with accounts 42 updating 41

updating from Call log 33, 42 updating from Dialer 41

Corporate email accounts 37


Dial Up Networking 84

settings 98

Display / Touch-Screen 129

Display settings

animation 101

auto brightness 102 automatic orientation 101 brightness 102

screen timeout 102 unlock key 102

Displaying your phone number 5 DivX VOD 80

Do cell phones pose a health hazard?



E911 103


account settings 60 combined Inbox 60 composing and sending 60 configuring accounts 59 Corporate accounts 37 refreshing your accounts 60

Emergency Calls 130

Exchange account 37

Page 154
Image 154
Samsung GH68-2863 user manual Calls, Camcorder, Care and Maintenance Children and Cell Phones City ID, Contacts, E911