
My Files

Learn to quickly and easily access all of your images, videos,
music, sound clips, and other types of files stored in your
device and memory card.

Supported file formats

Your device supports the following file formats:
Option Function
Image bmp, gif, jpg, png
Video 3gp, mp4, avi, wmv, flv, mkv
Music mp3, 3ga, aac, m4a, wma
Sound wav, mmf, xmf, imy, midi, amr
doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, txt, xls, xlsx,
htm,html, vbm, vcf, vcs, vnt, jad, jar, crt,
Some file formats are not supported depending on
the devices software.
If a file size exceeds the memory available, an error
may occur when you try to open the file.

View a file

In the application list, select


My Files.
Select a folder


a file.
To move up one level in the file directory, select
To return to the Home directory, select
To delete files or folders, select the tick boxes and select