››Kies via Wi-Fi

Connect your device to Samsung Kies via a WLAN.

››Bluetooth settings

Bluetooth: Turn the Bluetooth wireless feature on or off.

p. 101

Device name: Set a Bluetooth name for your device.

Visible: Set your device to be visible to other Bluetooth devices.

Search for devices: Search for available Bluetooth devices.

››USB utilities

Connect your device to a PC as a mass storage. p. 112

››Tethering and portable hotspot

USB tethering: Activate the USB tethering feature to share your device’s mobile network connection with PCs via USB. When connected to a PC, your device is used as a wireless modem for a PC. p. 110

Portable Wi-Fi hotspot settings:

-- Portable Wi-Fi hotspot: Activate the Portable WLAN hotspot feature to share your device’s mobile network connection with PCs or other devices through the WLAN feature. p. 109

--Configure portable Wi-Fi hotspot: Configure network settings for your WLAN hotspot.

Help: Learn more about USB and WLAN tethering.

››VPN settings

Set up and connect to virtual private networks (VPNs).

p. 113
