Number Function

3View web page details.

4View thumbnails of active browser windows.

5Open a list of saved bookmarks, saved pages, and recent internet history.

While browsing the web page, use the following options:

To zoom in or out, tap the screen with two fingers and spread them apart (move your fingers closer together to zoom out) or double-tap the screen.

If you activated tilting motions, you can zoom in or out by tapping and holding two points with your fingers and then tilting the device back and forth.

To go to a next page in history, press [] Forward. To open a new window, press [] New window.

To bookmark the current web page, press [] Add bookmark.

To add a shortcut to the current web page to the idle screen, press [] Add shortcut to home.

To send the web address (URL) of the web page to others, press [] Share page.

To search for text on the web page, press [] Find on page.

To switch to desktop view, press [] Desktop view.

To save current web page and read it on offline later, press [] Save for offline reading. You can view the saved pages by selecting Saved pages.

To adjust the brightness and colour of the screen, press []

Brightness and colour.
