3 View the document as desired.

To zoom in or out, tap the screen with two fingers and spread them apart (move your fingers closer together to

zoom out) or double-tap the screen. You can also press [] Zoom an option.

To open the toolbar to edit the document, press [] Edit mode.

To search for text on the document, press [] Find. To bookmark the current page, press [] Bookclip.

To adjust the document to fit the screen, press [] Reflow text.

To move to a specific page, press [] Go to. To send a file to others, press [] Send file.

To print the file using Wi-Fi or USB connection, press

[] Print. Your device is compatible only with some Samsung printers.

To read the document via the text-to-speech feature, press [] Text to speech.

To customise the settings for displaying or managing documents, press [] Settings.

Available options may vary depending on a document type.

››Manage documents online





In Idle mode, open the application list and select Polaris


Select Web files Box.net.

Enter your email address and password to access your account, and then select Add.

View and manage your documents on the server as desired.
