››Send an email message

1 In the application list, select Email .

2 Add recipients:

Enter email addresses manually and separate them with a semicolon or a comma.

Select email addresses from your contact list by selecting .

3 Select the subject field and enter a subject.

4 Select the text field and enter your email text.

5 Select and attach a file.

6 To send the message, select .

If you are offline or outside your service area, the message will be held in the message thread until you are online and inside your service area.

››View an email message




In the application list, select Email. Select to update the message list. Select an email message.

From the message view, use the following options:

To move to the next or previous message, select or . To create a new message, select .

To reply to the message, select .

To forward the message to others, select . To delete the message, select .

To mark the message as unread, select Mark as unread.
